True Life – MTV

MTV’s award winning reality/documentary series True Life is set to kick off an all new batch of fascinating, intriguing and helpful episodes that depict the True human experience and they are looking for real people like you to cast in them. Auditions and casting calls for a host of shows focusing on various topics that effect all of society will be held very soon and applications for submission for the top rated series are being accepted now. This is your chance to show you in your True Life to millions of viewers around the globe.

MTV has been on the forefront of groundbreaking reality programming for over two decades and leading the pack of their quality documentary slate is the venerable True Life. Debuting in 1998 and now surpassing 140 episodes, this series has tackled such poignant topics as the lives of people dealing with addictions, various careers, unique hobbies and interests, relationships and lifestyle choices. Each installment follows the day to day activities of one of more real life subjects as their stories play out in front of the ever present cameras. There are few programs in television or any media that have touched, enlightened and entertained as much as True Life and this upcoming season will be no exception. some of the topics to be tackled this series include I Have Trust Issues With My Parents, I Have Parents Who Hate My Partner, I’m Preparing For The End Of The World, I’m Too Beautiful and many. many more. If you are interested in applying  to be considered for auditions for any of these topics or for more information you can head here More information on every available casting call and audition will follow so keep checking back right here and leave a comment on telling us why you would like to be featured on a new episode of MTV’s True Life.

We’re all living it and soon you can show the world your unique human experience. Apply today to be featured on the MTV reality hit True Life.

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388 Casting Responses

  1. Cheyenne Ware

    I want to be on true life

  2. Nikki

    I would love to see more on mental disorders as well I suffer from Trichotilomania and people don’t understand what it is like to feel like an outcast and made fun of for something that is out of your control

  3. Sydney Thewes

    Hi! I’m Sydney and I would like to let more people know about the life of a cosmetologist! That’s it’s not easy and or not the ” easy way out” it’s way harder than what people make it out to be and I’d love to shore my knowledge and understanding more with people!

  4. Christina

    keep hearing about the story about the British “throuple” we have one her in the us and i am not talking about sister wives..i dont see how they make it work Trouple is all togerter we share everyone.
    Well i been in one for 7 years an All live in the same house since day one we had 3 kids 2 gether I have 2 with him (one passed away) and my wife has 2 with him and we all have the same last name

  5. Kyle

    Well… It’d be nice to see more shows on mental health issues and how it affects the peoples families… I’m 29 and have Borderline personality disorder, general anxiety disorder, PTSD, and ADHD… It plays hell on my life and my family doesn’t know how to handle it because they don’t understand how it affects me, instead they accuse me of drug use… Its killing me inside because they don’t care to listen to me when I try to explain my struggles, guess its just easier to assume that someone is on drugs then to admit a family member is actually struggling with mental and emotional problems..

  6. Jasmine

    I would love to be on true life

  7. Malone

    I am 29 and have been suffering with endometriosis for years after several surgeries including a hysterectomy at 25 and years of brutal treatments I still have no relief. This is a life altering chronic pain condition with no known cure or effective treatment that is commonly misdiagnosed and under discussed

  8. Eunice tirado

    Im about to transgender

  9. Jenny


    My name is Jenny and I will soon be 27 years old I would really like to see an episode about women choosing not to have children 🙂 I, myself, am one of those women. I am much more interested in my own life and getting into the best shape that I can even though I am far from that point. I began my trying to be my best self in June 2015.

  10. Ruth M

    I’m a 28 year old thumb sucker

  11. Marie

    Hi my name is Marie I am 15 years old .and i am pregnant. I may be going to jail for quite some time and am worried about my family .as I am not doing so good financially .my baby daddy is a low down drug addict and I have a boyfriend who might be cheating but he earns good money and that is what I need so when my baby is born u won’t have a lot of financial issues .my mom is dating 4 men to pay bills and might just lose one of them because of .
    Me ? .not to mention my sister is 19 with a 2 yr old son and hasn’t finished high school and neither have I .i have no job I don’t go to school Cause of personal reasons .so yea I hope you consider me or what not

  12. Angela

    So….. I was shot in the back of the end by my fiance who than killed himself in front of my eyes. My fiance was a law enforcement officer and some how instead of being his victim I was treated like his attacker.

  13. Cheree McLaurin

    Hi my name is Cheree McLaurin I am 22 years old and I am currently experiencing anxiety and depression due to many factors in my past. One of them being sexually violated by my step dad at 12 years old. Due to that I started acting out in many ways in high school. I got pregnant at 17 years old and had my son who is 5 years old now. The father of my son was not ready to be a dad at the time and continued to live the street life. For 2 years I continued to cry and beg for him to be there for his family and nothing. I left him alone for 2 years and last year this time he was sentenced to 6-8 years in prison and we rekindled our love. Which is another reason from my chronic anxiety depression disorder. I worry myself about him being away right now and not here for his family. Another part of me worry that I’m wasting my time and money because it’s a chance he gets out and go right back to the streets. My anxiety and depression is at its worst and I’m starting my treatments to help me. Thoughts of sucide is what made me go in and get help. I would love for my story to be heard and I would love to help others as I am helping myself. I want people to know that it is okay to speak up and get help. Thank you so much and please consider me for your show.

  14. Tammie Sigg

    Hi My name is Tammie. I am currently broke but I am working on starting my own business from ground zero. I would like to document step by step what I will have to go through to become from broke to riches. I only have 7 dollars in my bank account and I am working on ways to start my own business with no experience. Everyone says I will never have a business or be rich because of my age but I am going to prove them wrong because age is just a number.

  15. Zoe

    My name is Zoe and I’m the Alpha of the RiverCrescent Pack. The R•C•W•P is mainly located in north Dallas but also conquers the majority of the United States and other parts of the world. My pack is my family and we have over 55 pack members and 950+ followers. We are allies with the Vampire court of Dallas and Austin. The pack does get together on full moons for bondfires and hanging out. Now we are good allies with Wolfe blackheart but since we live in north Dallas and he’s recently moved, it’s harder to get in contact with him. My pack is the largest in the world and we do get mocked for who we are and if some of us wear tails but in reality it’s just apart of who we are and we are ok with it. We currently are publishing a book called Hidden and waiting on the sequel “bloodwar” to be published as well. Like I said, the pack is a family and we do go by the pack rankings like a regular wolf pack and though some might find us to be crazy, we don’t, because it’s who we are and what we believe in.

  16. Mercedez

    Landyn Halleman and I went to high school together. He was lucky enough to start his transitioning sooner than I could. I am so proud of him but struggle with very similar issues. People that are born as the gender they want to be don’t have to walk around discouraged. I would like to be an advocate for the transgender community and speak up about our everyday struggles. I have a daughter and a very supportive fiancé who actually isn’t gay. I am also still legally married to a bisexual female which causes issues in my new relationship. Because she has a boyfriend but does not want to divorce me. The biggest issue with starting my transitioning is finances and my mother and brother. My father is very supportive but my mother and brother still have an issue with me dating women, and have thrown a fit when I’ve discussed transitioning. I am proud of who I am and want to show others not to be ashamed. BE WHO YOU ARE! WHO YOU WANT TO BE! I am in the Memphis area with my fiancés family and have to deal with their opinions as well. Some are supportive and some are so negative. I have issues with mood instability that I Believe are from being in the wrong body. It doesn’t help that I also deal with PTSD from when I was in the service. I am 24, looking to speak up, looking to transition, and forcing my respect. This is just the tip of the iceberg of the issues I deal with, not to include what goes on with my fiancé and daughter.

  17. Sarah beal

    True life I am a teen mom, I had to leave my house and became a webcams model, me and my roommate would be homeless without this job, ready to show the world how hard it is doing this and the struggles of people not knowing what we do ft a living


    My story is one that I live with and I’m still recovering. I was hit by a car on New Years 2015 and the impact should’ve killed me. I spent four months in the hospital and suffered a C-4 spinal cord injury. I was in a neck brace and power chair. Since than I’m still recovering and now I’m in a manual wheel chair. I have to learn to walk again amongst other things. I have arthritis in my hand and I’m optimistic that with science and technology my hand and wrist will be fixed. Follow my journey of recovery on IG mssultry89

  19. Grateful Zugore

    I’d love to be considered for a spot on your show. I’m a 60 year young man with many interests and avocations including politics (hard line progressive), metaphysics, human nature, psychology, technology, and more. Some people consider me a hippie but that’s just one side of who i am.

    professionally I’m a subject matter expert in the aerospace industry with a focus on data management, which pays the bills. Outside that my main interest is percussion instruments which is any surface i can strike with my hand, i don’t use sticks. I’m active within the Arizona Burning Man community and related activities such as Burners Without Borders, a community service group comprised primarily of “burners” (members of the Burning Man community)

    I’ve lived a full life for such a young person and have learned much along that path.

  20. Bobby

    Hello my name is Bobby and I have a girlfriend that I have been with for 5 years and she is addicted to social media. Very first thing she does when she wakes up to when she goes to bed is social media and I mean all of them to snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest. And she checks all of these or maybe just one of these every 10 to 15min in rotation which the social media sites themselves barely changing in that time span but she will be on her phone 24/7 on social media if she is not at work and when she is at work every down time she gets will be on social media. Thank you

  21. Sarah Sanders

    My name is Sarah and I grew up being sexually abused for a number of years by a member of my own extended family. While this is a sensitive subject to talk about, I believe that it has made me a much stronger person today than any other adverse event that has occurred in my life. It has taught me how to forgive others, how to find strength within myself, and how to educate others who have experienced some form of sexual abuse in their lives. I am ready and willing to speak about this dark past of mine because I feel that I can help others who have not yet voiced their troubles. If I can get at least one person to come forward about their attacker, I have succeeded in doing my job. My dream job is to work as a full-time public speaker on the topic of sexual assault. As a criminal justice major I know the legalities of dealing with these crimes, as well as have a great number of resources for people who have confided in me about their own assaults. I believe that being on MTV’s True Life would give me a great opportunity to share my story to the world and help aid in the fight against domestic violence and sexual assault.

  22. Jasmine Tolbert

    I have Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), a chronic inflammatory auto-immune disease that effects me in various ways. After 3 years of enduring pain, fatigue, weight loss and being passed around to multiple doctors, I was finally diagnosed at the age of 14 in 2005. I was not given much about the disease; except to stay out the sun, minimize stress, an unknown cause and there was no cure! Fortunately, I was able to live my life as any normal teenager hanging out and playing sports (basketball, tennis and track). My new normal consisted of taking steroids, anti-malaria and chemotherapy medications twice a day and traveling an hour to Cincinnati, Ohio to see my Rheumatologist every 6-8 weeks.

    It wasn’t until I had my daughter in 2009 that LuLu (yes I named my disease lol) started showing. I started having problems concentrating in my college classes and was unable to be as physically active as I was in high school. I have had 3 flares (meaning LuLu was very active & causing some serious issues within my body):
    1.) 2011 – seizure & hallucinations = hospitalized 6 days,
    2.) 2013 – severe headaches, dizziness, ears ringing, blurred vision, hallucinations = intubated in ICU for 4 days then transferred to general room for 10 days where I had to learn walk and liquid diet due to paralyzed vocal cords
    3.) 2016 – severe headaches, dizziness, ears ringing = hospitalized 8 days.
    Each flare my family and I were not given much information about the cause of my flare other than I had aseptic meningitis that caused inflammation in the lining of my brain. This last flare I had a team of doctors (rheumatology, neurology, opthamologist, infection disease) trying to decipher how I have survived meningitis 3 times when it’s very rare for someone to get meningitis once and die.

    Living with Lupus is extremely tough. At the age of 25 I feel like I am much older with the inability to perform certain tasks due to all the fatigue, pain and finger disfigurements. Being able to tell my story on national television will give a voice to Lupus patients who are battling symptoms everyday and those who have lost the fight. This is my way to help Lupus patients know they are not alone in the battle and raise awareness to this cruel mysterious disease.

    Thank you!

  23. Giselle

    My husband works 140+ hours every two weeks please I’d like the world to see the sacrifice a man makes for his girl to stay at home and raise his daughter. Personally I think it should be illegal to have someone work so many hours. Please help me MTV he is missing out of his daughter’s life.

  24. Kelly Stovall

    Boy do I have a story to tell! My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 2-2.5 years. Three miscarriages later and and a failed IVF treatment led our doctor to give me the “talk” about looking into a donor because my eggs have expired even though I am only 39! My sister (40), also married, has been trying to conceive for also 2-2.5 years with 12 failed IVF attempts. Together my sister and I decided to take the donor route but here is the twist: we decided to use the same donor! We will both be having a child that will be cousins and half-siblings! We are scheduled to be implanted towards the end of September. Fingers crossed! We are a beautiful family with a crazy story just trying to make lemonade with our (or our donor’s) “lemons”.

  25. Yvonne Willems

    Please do a show on Menieres …..

  26. Edward Barnes

    You have a very interesting program. It puts a light on subjects that normally get little attention. There are conditions that go unnoticed because they have no outward appearance and are misunderstood. One such condition is Meniere’s disease (MD). Only a few doctors are aware of this and have little training in this field. MD is a balance disorder that cause dizziness, vomiting, drop to the floor reaction and several other reactions. These may/will come on instantly and without warning. There is no set remedy for MD as one person’s “Cure” is different from another. If you go to Meniere’s Support Group on the Face Book website, you will see comments from people who have MD. I hope you will take this seriously and maybe make a program on it in the near future. Thank you very much.

  27. Valerie

    I have a condition called Meniere’s Disease. It’s an inner ear disorder that causes vertigo, hearing loss, a feeling of fullness in the affected ear and ringing in the ear. I have it in both ears. I started having symptoms at 20, was diagnosed at 22 and am 25 now. About 1 in 1,000 people have Meniere’s yet so few people know about this disease. Please do a show on it to help create awareness. I’d be happy to give you more information on it if need be. Thank you so much!!!

  28. Wyteria Norwood

    My name is Wyteria and I’m a twenty six year old college student. I’m currently a Senior at a local university. I’m predominately African American with a mixture of other races. I’ve dealt with anxiety for most of my life with one thing about me causing me to stick out around everyone that I’m around. I have very long hair that stops at my thighs. People take pictures, they point, laugh, and snicker because it’s not common to see a Black girl with naturally long hair that stops at her thighs. Because it gave me such bad anxiety, I considered cutting it off. But my Mother and Sister attempt to talk me out of it.

  29. Emily

    True Life I’m getting married !! And at the young age of 21. To my soon-to-be 25 year old fiancé. We come from very different walks of life and are planning a very money consuming wedding all while I’m experiencing life as a 21 year old living with my fiancé who has been there and done that. Of course we have our highs and our lows but being married at a young and lively age is possible !

  30. Amanda

    Hi my name is Amanda I’m a Puertorican girl, artist and curvy. Life have problems, every one has them. My parents got divorse when i was 14. I’m the baby sister of 3 included myself. I got bully at high school by falling for a teacher that was “gay” but man are never sure what they are. I love my dad family, my dad is pushy because he doesn’t like that his daughter is curvy. So weight have been a issue ALWAYS. BUT I’m a strong a beautiful girl, Believe me ?

  31. Jesse Bailey IV

    Hey…my name’s jesse and I was diagnosed with juvinial type 1 diabetes at the age of 9. Ive gone through quite a lot growing up feeling alienated and outcasted in my early childhood years. Type 1 diabetes exists within 5-10% of all diabetic diagnosed cases and on top of that im also PTSD and Bipolar %II. A veiw on my childhood was rough…from age 4 to 9 ive been abused n beaten by a tyrant of a stepfather who often came home drunk just to find reasons to lay hands on us. My mom, my sister, and younger brother all got to experience this…because of the beatings my mom has MS and can barely walk as she has leeshions working from her brain down her body and is on disability now. Stuck to live alone as its the price of her SSI. At 9 I was diagnosed as type 1 diabetic where I was told as a child id have to take shots for everything I eat containing carbs for the rest of my life till the day I die. Due to the fact type 1 is genetic and tells white t cells to veiw the pancreas as an enemy and completly destroying it. Leaving me with no way to create insulin and having to be fluent in math skills and ballencing sugars to survive. My mother also disapeared on me and I had no idea what happened or where she was at for 10yrs. At 16 I had severe Diabetickitoasidosis where ketones existed so heavily and my body had eaten away at itself in such a way that I lost hella weight and hella muscules and was told I have a 40% chance of survival…yet here I am. At 18 I was kicked out by my controling stepmother after I called her a bitch for the things she did to my dad and lived at my best friends house in which we had issues and she kicked me and her lil sister out. Her sister became my sister and weve been somewhat close for years because of it. As I was living there, I found out my mom was less than a building away from me. Emotional cuz I had hated her for leaving years ago I didnt realize she did it all in good intentions to get my brother away from the step dad and keep me from him as well at the cost of her own health. I now cant get a job as stress from ptsd, sweating and working hard have caused mass fluctiations in my sugars and often made me seizure from lows or angry from highs. Its not considered discrimination for them to let me go as they can just lay me off for any alternate reasons as a working business. I work with a case worker to find work but even in my program she too strugles to get me working. I dont know many others that have had success in low wage fields with something as type 1 as type 1 by law cant work specific jobs in comparison to type 2 that has no regulations. And even still type 1 I find low wage jobs hard to manage. But I played football in the past and an alstar 205 lineman taking on 250-300 pounders and flatbacking em as I was always raised to be strong like my mom and enduring like my dad. My father has type 2 diabetes and drinks heavily every night. Im woried he may pass one day and I’ll be alone cuz hes kinda been the one there for me when I got depressed, lost all my friends, n certain family. And since I cant get a job, may be only a matter of time before im on the streets trying to manage this. Ive seen a few other type 1’s on this page and it would be nice to do a type 1 diabetic episode. It’s sad as intellegently as I explain everything ive learned about it…not one person knows and its always a surprise to them to see what I go through and how it effects the body. Plz consider this

  32. Cierra

    My name is Cierra Ivery I am 23 years and single mother of two. I have a problem with people not accepting me in this world I don’t have friends but I want friend i suffer from depression and will like to break free plz help.

  33. maggief

    I’m wondering if there is a way to submit ideas for a True Life episode topic? I have a couple of ideas that I think could resonate with a lot of people, and I’ve wanted to submit for awhile but couldn’t find a proper email or comment section.


  34. Brendan Dennis

    I was born in arlingon tx. on july 6th 1989 i am now 26 and was adopted at birth in Arlington texas and now live in new jersey, all i know is my bio father almost did not sign the papers and my bio grandfather died of a stroke. I am looking for my birth parrents, and have had no luck. It’s a decision I have made taking 3 years to do it. My 8 year, girlfriend and I broke up, since then I’ve had an identity crisis and have no idea who I am anymore. I have a 3 year old son, and I want to know where I came from and know and meet my biological parrents.

  35. Landyn Halleman

    I’m Landyn a 22 year old trans man who is also a father. I think my journey would be a great one due to the the fact I’m on a mission to become a trans advocate for the community And trying to start a little trans mondling just to get out there. But its a bit difficult due to the fact my son is only 2 months old so I work day in and day out to support my family. Leaving me to not be able to save money for any of surgeries or even time for my family at that. I just wanna get out there AMD reach out to all those in my shoes and struggling with life and the day to day hurdles.

  36. Mary Grace Borro

    I am a descendant from Guam. I have 2 handsome young men (my children). I admit I look pretty young for my age and everyone (literally everyone) thinks my kids are my brothers or boyfriends (lol). Anyways, I am the oldest of 6 siblings and my family has plenty of drama going on every day!!!
    My hobbies are working out at the gym, martial arts when I really have time, I love riding my Suzuki gsxr 750 to the beach or meet up with friends, spending time with my family and catching up with sleep!
    Like I mentioned, my family has so much drama going on. We were told many times that we should have our reality show like the Kardashians. Yes lots of drama but not a lot of money like the Kardashians.
    Interview us 🙂

  37. Maricella

    MTV true life story I’m a just turned 31 year old single mother to twins both 1 years old a 2 year old 4 and 8 year old. single parent left to raise 5 children on my own while dad just got sentenced to 10 years we’ve been homeless from home to home trying to get it together just moved into our very empty apartment after months of homelessness the struggle is real I do what I have to survive by any means necessary a regular job won’t cut it my family isn’t around his family isn’t neither it’s just me out here and gods the only 1 who gives me strength ups downs highs lows it’s real it’s me it’s reality TV. I’m a single parent with a man in prison!

  38. Divina Bussey

    I’m in a domestic violence shelter I have no friends no family. My first sons dad ran off to PA with him Saturday I have an ACS case now since he missed school. His father threatening me that I’ll never see him again. I been having to fight to be a mother to both kids fit years. My youngest I haven’t seen his dad going on two years. I need to get my story out and I need your help

  39. Shaun Hammer

    Names Shaun Hammer I’m 25 I’m native American from Montana I have 2 sons different moms I’m currently single living by myself I started college and Im working im not making enough hours so im not sure if I’m gonna be able to live This change in my life I was Incarcerated for a year I have 1 felony I’m trying to stay good I have since I’ve got out a month ago I’m judge by family and friends saying I can’t make it I’m gonna prove I can behave

  40. Ashley

    True Life: I’m A Female Bodybuilder
    My husband and I are both competitive bodybuilders. We both live extreme lifestyles from dieting to spending hours in the gym getting ready to compete nationally in a couple weeks as we both try to live “normal” lives too.

  41. Shala R.

    I’m estranged from my 20-yr old daughter who lost one of her eyes in a tragic accident 5 years ago. She is in & out of rehab, but coming back to California to have her eye fixed. My ex-husband is currently renting a room in my house (also my 15 yr son lives there, too). Yea, it’s weird. My ex is a dumbass. My son is suddenly into eating organic and taking care of his body, working out and such. He doesn’t eat anything I make him. I commute to Las Vegas every week where my husband is, and I work two jobs in two different states, an O.C. hospital E.R. and L.V. hospital E.R. so I see some CRAZY shit. Frankly, you need to do a show just about me. My daughter and I DO NOT get a long, but I do want to get her eye fixed. I owe her that. That may fix our relationship, as well. Please consider me something that is coming up right away…she is on a greyhound on her way back from Texas…somehow we are all going to be living together.,..

  42. Traci Stone

    I’m Traci and I’m 24 . I’m a stay at home mom of a 2 year old and a 6 year old. I’ve been with children’s father since 14. I live with my mother & step father. I have so much anxiety and panic attacks because I’m the only one that has to do everything! I never get a break or a moment to breathe. Everyone expects me to do EVERYTHING! I can’t work because no one will help me with watching kids. I have to take kids literally every where I go, not only is my kids so needy my husband is just as bad. He will see I’m having a panic attack and ask me to do something for him and not try to help me with anything! I’m at my breaking point. I feel like I’m in my 40s in a 24 year old body.

  43. Samm

    I would love to see a show on Lyme disease.

  44. Morgan Fuller

    I am 26 years old and for the past 5 years I have been dealing with an auto-immune disorder called psoriatic arthritis. My immune system is attacking my body making my joints deteriorate. I can’t work anymore but I am trying to go back to school this year. It is a struggle everyday. Most people think I look healthy and can’t imagine the pain I deal with everyday. It puts strains on my relationships with family, friends, and would be relationships. But I still try to get up and do the exercises that I can and move on learning how to live with what I have.

  45. cara snyder

    My name is Cara. I’m 28 years old. A month before my 28th birthday I was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune diease known as Primary Billiary Chirosis (PBC). As a wife and a mother to 4 it has been a struggle dealing with my diease because it has completely consumed my life. I look healthy but I feel very different. There isn’t a lot of people that live near me or my age who also suffer with PBC.

  46. Dejon Legaux

    Hi I’m Dejon from Louisiana, I’m 26 and I’m single raising my interracial son. I think the most reality related subject now is the cost of living and how it is effecting our quality of life. The school system in Louisiana is one of the worst, college programs are being cut because of Bobby Jindal and now TOPS is gone. I would like you to do a show based on the cost of living in the US or just Louisiana about how hard it is…bread and eggs are $10 add milk $15, minimum wage is $735…jobs Dont like full time employees because they have to pay benifits. Its ridiculous….i lived in texas where the cost of living was slightly lower because insurance rates were lowered i had to come home but I’m dying to go back. I want the world to see what’s it’s really like living down here…struggling…surrounded by ignorant people and failing systems. Almost all the politicians are cheats and liars no one makes a difference for the people. Do a True life I grew up in Louisiana and trust me the producers won’t have to stage anything. Plus I could use the money so I can move back to Texas with my son for a better quality of life.

  47. Jeff

    Hello, my name is Jeff. I am 24 years old and live in New Jersey. This is not about me though. I am writing this for a friend of mine named Phil, who is the same age. I have known Phil for about 5 years now. Overall, he is a decent person but has a major addiction; he is on constantly on his cell phone. Texting, social media, taking selfies, etc. His problem has gotten more severe over the past year – so much so that his friends and family are unable to have a one-on-one conversation with him because he is distracted. Even when he meets new people he looks at his phone. I try to hangout with him and chat but he kind of just responds with “What?” or “I didn’t hear you” because he is on his phone. He has also told me that girls that he has been on dates with have suggested for him to put it away.

    Myself along with friends and family used to consistently encourage him to lay off of his phone and live in the moment, but lately, out of frustration, it has become more of “Phil, put your phone away”, but to no avail. I have considered seeking outside help for the sake of my friend for quite some time now, but I feel like it has reached the breaking point. After hearing from his brother, Frank, that during thanksgiving dinner Phil was on his phone, assistance or exposure is necessary. I believe that a TV show like ‘True Life’ can be of substantial help for him. Although I do not expect him to completely overcome his addiction, it will be of definite help and also shed some light onto this problem that so many teenagers cope with.

    I look forward to any future help.
    – Jeff

  48. Chase Mosley

    Hi I’m Chase Mosley an Elementary Education Major at Eastern Kentucky University. I am a founding father of Alpha Tau Omega Fraterntity at EKU. I struggle every day with keeping a scocial life, grades, and a personal life! My friends keep me going whole life in general pulls me down

  49. Jacklyn

    Hi my name is Jacklyn. I am from Tennessee. I am a 23 year old mom of 2 boys ages 5 and 6 months. I have been with the boys dad for 7 years and we also raise his 17 year old brother. I was kicked out of my house by my mom at 17, she dropped me off at my boyfriends house. We struggled to finally get our own place. I was 18 and 4 months pregnant. A meth head kicked in our door and threatened to kill us. I have major trust issues with people since that. After that we were homeless living wherever we were welcome. We got on our feet when our first son was a year old. We are about to pay off a trailor in the ghetto. I can show true life the struggle of young parents. Our neighbors are meth heads, our home is too small and falling apart around us. I work 2 jobs and deal with a 5 year old with ADHD. I try my best everyday for my family
    I want to show the world that the struggle is real.

  50. Mallory Dennis

    I’m 16, from Texas. I am type 1 diabetic, a junior in high school, I take dance lessons, and also teach dance lessons. I feel like I am a good candidate for this because there is nothing extraordinary about me. I am a normal teenage girl with a chronic disease trying to balance it with other things I have going on. I think people would like to see a real person and I would love to show the life behind diabetes, and bring more awareness to it.

  51. Randy Gomez

    Amateur comedian Randy Gomez would like to be on true life

  52. Angela Garcia

    Hello my Name is Angela Garcia. And this is just a little brief description of me.
    I AM
    – Transgender ( Male to Female)
    – 18 years old
    -Live in Miami FL
    – Just started Senior Year in high school As (Angela)
    – I’m a Youtuber with over 200,000 subscribers and 18,193,966 views
    -Lover of beauty
    -Outgoing (very out going)

    If there is any way I can send an audition tape please email me and I will be more than glad to send one.
    Have a great day 🙂

  53. DeS Alex

    I feel I would be great for this because of many reasons. I’m a full time student majoring in psychology. I’m very into to the mind, behavior, mental issues, cause and effect. I’m also a club host for a very popular night club; in which I’m so different. I’m a construction worker. Most of all I have major commitments issues in which I’m very aware of in can’t change. I have never dated just one female no matter if I was with one for years I still had other girlfriends whom I dated thru out that same year. This cause me a lot of money due to crazy drama; I mean CRAZY DRAMA. From my school to work place but they always stay.. O yea I’m a lesbian.. My parents are deep in the church which is another issue.. My mom hold on wishing and praying I will get delivered.. I just feel I got a lot to offer situations some can learn from and be so interested in.. It’s so many parts of me and my life, crazy part is I realize my issues, understand them, know where they come from and yet i refuse to do something about them… One I’m sure I will but now I jus want to live learn n have so much fun

  54. Kayla Rhodes

    Hey, I am eager to play any role!
    Hair: Brown, medium length. (Past collar bone)
    Eyes: Blue
    Body: Fit / Ex Cheerleader
    Sex: Female
    Race: White
    State: GA
    Again, ready to play any part!

  55. Amandalynn

    Hi my name is Amandalynn I am 25 years old and have three boys. I have been with my boyfriend the father of two of my boys for over five years out of those five years he has cheated countless of times! I have major trust issues with him and struggle everyday with depression and bipolar disorder. I am a stay at home mom at the moment trying to get back into the working world it is very hard when all the obstacles of life keep crashing down on me. I do whatever I have to to take care of my boys my boyfriend brings in most of the cash but we barely get by it is very hard raising kids and trying to be a family when you are not happy and it’s not fair to my kids I just want to share my story and hopefully find the help I need!

  56. Cristin

    Ha… My Family does the same thing every day. Get up get everyone dressed… We have one car so I take my husband to work then drop off the kids.. 6 and 9 lucky in the same school.. Then I go to work. I get to work 30 minutes early every day so I sit in my car and check out Facebook.. I do my day as a new insurance agent ( making no money) then I make the rounds backwards when the work day is done.. Pick up kids from daycare, husband from work… We always need something from the store so we stop… Tell the kids No that they can not have something about 5 times down each lane.. Go home make dinner do the homework fight the bath fight the I’m not hungry right the i am hungry now right before bed fight.. Get in about 5 mins of quiet time then finally go to bed…

    Every weekend I say ” I not doing anything but cleaning this weekend ” but NO something always comes up and we are busy all weekend.. How that happens I have no idea because our paychecks are spent on past due bill before they can even get to us.. I have laundry luckley clean taking up my entire bedroom…

    I sure America would love to watch us and our super exciting daily activity!!! If that’s not true live I don’t know what is

  57. Dereka & Gary

    Hey our name is reka and gary im 23 and he’s 26 we’ve been going through a lot we argue way too much and we just want to be successful in life its just that me and are really struggling and want to show the world what we go through and still love each other he’s working and im working but we don’t live with each other but we want so bad just don’t have the money so us being on this show we’ll show everyvody what we go through and how we make ends meet with each other so can we please be on this show we would really appreciate this.

  58. Allison

    My name is allison….I am a young diabled mother of 3. My disability has completely broke me down. I was born with optic never hypoplasia/ nystagmus.. I feel as if I’m stuck. constantly
    trying to find a way to cope always looking for hope that I can never find. My anger an stress is very overwelming wich gets the best of me. When I feel this way I don’t eat for days. I get very weak/ lathargic .. as I can’t drive I totally feel like a horrible mother. I would love for my children to live life to the fullest. My disability has effected my kids and also my relationship. I always feel as if I am a burden on my husband. Even think they deserve a better mother. That can take them places an be their for them…dont get me wrong I deeply love my children. But I also feel they deserve the best.
    I pray you see this an understanding where I am coming from. I Really NEED HELP. I would do anything to make my life better for the sake of myself an my family. God bless

  59. marilyn lujan

    My name is MARILYN LUJAN D
    Height – 5’1
    Age – 15
    Hair – red/black (dye it alot)
    Eye color – dark brown
    Sex – female
    race – latina (bilingual)
    Weight – 134 (currently)
    Date of birth – December 3rd 1999

    I wanna try and start working as an actress because i think im able to. I passed all my acting classes in middle school and all my teachers told me I should try and audition for things like commercials and etc. Ive had a couple of photo shoots were I was modeling for my 15s if you wanna check out the website its this url ( the photographer and i had a blast! He took amazing pictures. He kept on telling me how easy and great it was to work with me and id really like to work with someone again i just enjoy it. Im really comfortable around cameras and other people just give me a goal I can set my mind on and I promise you I will get it done as perfect as I possibly can. If you know about anyone thats looking for talent please give them my email thank you for reading this. you can get to know a whole lot about me when you ask me personally………………….

  60. KG

    I’m a 21y.o female suffering with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). I feel like not enough people are much aware of it or Mental Health in general and how real it is. How badly it actually effects people and how hard it is to battle. Nothing scares me more than knowing the true facts of BPD and knowing I’m not the only one. That’s the thing, I know I’m not alone in this any many others are suffering too. And what BPD causes on those effected is scary and I’m afraid to hear of more tragic endings to it because we can’t find the help we need. BPD doesn’t have to end tragically, it CAN be treated and we CAN live a better life. I know I’m living with it right now but I also know one day I won’t be. And nobody else should have to suffer either. Everything happens for a reason.

  61. Siobhan

    Hi my name is Siobhan and I am a 22 year old stay at home mom of two girls. My oldest daughter just turned one and my other daughter is two months. I have a husband who works at a factory to support us in our tiny house here in nowheresville. I am constantly on the go and trying to keep track of everyone’s daily needs (including my own). I feel like tam constantly being treated like a freak when people find out I have kids, let alone two kids so close together.

  62. Joanne

    I am in a toxic relationship with my fiance for three years. However since he has been home from prison, he decided to bail out on all his plans with me. He has four baby’s mothers and I do believe they play a major roll in all this. Please help me decide rather or not this relationship is going somewhere or not.

  63. Crys

    My name is Crys and I want to be considered for I’m too beautiful. Nothing in my life has ever been easy. I dealt with abuse and was in and out of foster care throughout my childhood and was emancipated at 16. I lived with roommates and finished school, got married and had my two daughters. I moved back to my hometown in Louisiana after my divorce 3 years ago and work full-time as a bartender/server and take care of my daughters full-time. I want to go back to college. Being a 23 year old mom is tough, but I remain positive because I know that things work out in the end.

  64. Rony Wenger

    Names: Rony Wenger
    Age: 22
    From Lebanon Pa

    born in Haiti but raised by Caucasian parents to be a gentleman even if i get walked all over by the women in this cold word, forced to be alone be most do not comprehend what i am trying to say, im very blunt to the point i dont sugar coat you ask me for the truth your getting more than you can handle, i dont wanna give anyone cavities but in all true realness

  65. Paige

    Okay so my name Is Paige Alexa Washington. In my opinion, I’m a person who doesn’t like to be In drama. It’s weird that I’m always surrounded by It though. I literally have the craziest, most loud, but real family. None of them have filters, and are not shy. We know a lot of people and are extremely outgoing. We just say what ever Is on our minds. They could have the whole world laughing If people seen how they acted. There’s also soooooooooo much drama, and arguing between my family. I have a huge family so something juicy Is always going on. Though we do not all live together we always manage to be around each other. That’s probably why there Is so much excitement. I could honestly right a novel on my family and our everyday lives. I want my family and I to be on “True Life”. Honestly we would MAKE the show. One season wouldn’t even be enough to show everything that goes on. I want to be able to give the world a laugh being apart of “True Life”. Trust me, It would be something you would never regret.

  66. Ryan Warner

    Hello this is Ryan an here is a brief version of my story i was a union carpenter making a good living im very hard worker one day i have a problem with my knee so i go to local hospital and they do surgery on it they released me after few days i kept going back sumtin just wasn’t right they said i was fine then one night i thought i was having a heart attack troubles breathing didn’t no who my parents where i was seeing things go back to hospital release me my dad came home from work six hours after being released he took me to different hospital i was put on life support and slipt into coma an givin 5% chance to survive in a coma from july to October woke up paralyzed from neck down all my organs were failing so i have heart over dozen spine an multiple brain surgeries few others too then i go to rehabilitation hospital to rehab i been multiplies ones they only keep me three weeks give or take a week an release me because i worked so i get disability an they say its to much so therefore i can’t get my house acomindated for my livin situation my house has steps its pure tourcher steps wheelchair don’t fit threw doors bathroom is not set up for me but case worker at rehab said if i never worked welfare would pay for everything an keep me in rehab till i maxed out I’ve made some improvements but i didn’t plato when in rehabilitation an kept showing improvements because of my job i don’t qualify for any projams that they have out there it sucks i just want a chance max out to my ability an have a better quality of life b independent so much more to my story and this is my last hope to get my story out i don’t want handouts just rehabilitation the person or person’s that read my story there is alot more to it and i hope u will help me get my story out an maybe i can get the rehab i need and live a higher quality of life instead of being shut down everywhere i go so if u can please help me PLEASE

  67. Jamie Minton

    Name is Jamie and I am 23 years old… I have a male friend that I been knowing since middle school and we are really close. I want to be on True Life: Just Friends because I want to see if we can take it to another level. He listens to me, encourages me and even take part in my daughters life. When I’m on dating site and go out on dates with other guys he gives me advice on what to look for and what to expect, he also listens to me when needed and it doesn’t even matter what it is. When I was 6 months pregnant he asked me out on a date and I felt strange due to us being friends and me still being in a relationship with my child’s father but now that we are apart and he is a good friend to me… Instead of me searching for love or the right one, I wonder to myself “was it him the whole time I was looking for in a man”??…i don’t know but I truly love to find out

  68. Jonna Moye

    A sweet girl everyday in disguise and faking to this crazy world. I’m an artist but behind closed doors I’m a bipolar indecisive crazy girl when no one is watching. I’ve been homeless. I’ve been starving, I’ve been depressed. I need your help and I have a story to tell so no one feels alone. I hate my life at 20 years old….. Let me tell my story

  69. Tiana laguer

    Hey guys my name is Tiana and I’m a 22 year old New Yorker . If I’m chosen I’d for sure like to be on True Life: I’m too beautiful . I think I should be choosen because all though I am beautiful not everything in my life is so great .. I’m currently living in a 2 bedroom apartment with my fiancé but the thing is we stil live with his mom , people tell me all the time I’m too beautiful an talented to live the way I do . Sometimes I even think I’m to beautiful to go back to school . I would love to give you guys a better look at my life !! Please contact me fore more info 😉

  70. Traneece J

    I’m a 25 year old mother of two amazing little boys (5,4). I work a full time job, and also take care of them full time. I make ends meet, but barely. Their father is still alive, but doesn’t help with them. I’ve picked up a few part time jobs in the past, and in the end I wound up quitting. I don’t believe it’s fair for me to have to sacrifice more time away from my kids just to live a comfortable lifestyle.This guy (their father) has a nice house, and a Monte Carlo (not sure of the year) with rims on it and at least 6 tvs inside. His family does nothing to support my kids, and will only “baby sit” maybe 4 times a month if/when I ask. He doesn’t see his kids, and they don’t have a positive male figure in their life. My oldest son, has seen counselors because he used to be very “clingy”. Anytime I’d drop him off to daycare he’d scream, and just cry. He even managed to escape one time and chase me almost to the parking lot. He has separation issues. They’ve gotten a lot better. I think that a show, not only showing a single hard working mother, but also shaming a dead beat father is in order. I’m familiar with Teen mom, but it doesn’t seem as though any of them actually struggled and the fathers were there, minus Farrah’s. I make just enough to get by, and because I’m not in “poverty” I have to pay for my own medical, and can’t get food stamps. There are so many absent fathers out there that should be called out. Most importantly they should see the affect it has on the kids.

  71. Demetria

    My name is Demetria, I am 22 years old and have a 4 year old son. I’ve been a single parent for 2 years now. due to my son father being incarcerated and is serving a 15 year sentence. In the beginning, it was very difficult for me to accept the fact that he would be away from his son and I for a while but as time went on I began to build my strength. “If I had a chance to share my true life, it’ll be sharing with the world how I manage to be a part time college student, a full time medical employee and a single full time mom. I just would like the world to know that your weakest moments in life are your strongest moments. when I wake up in the morning and see my 4 year old son smile, he is who motivates me. Furthermore, I will keep striving to become that Registered Nurse that I have dreamt of becoming. Not only for me but for my son as well.

  72. William Sanchez

    After 25 years I have never met my biological father, he lectvme and my older sister when we were just Infants, never heard from him since then, he had a whole new family. We tried to message him but never responded him. I want to know the truth why he left!

  73. Courtney Groth

    Hi my name is Courtney. I’m 25 years old and I am a mother of a beautiful 16 month old baby girl. We currently live in Sparks (reno) Nv and I’ve lived here since September of ’09. I moved here to live with my mother and stepmother and start my own life, and now I’m a mommy :). I was born with a disability called Spina bifida, but my daughter was born via c-section perfectly healthy, no disability. If I had a true life I would want ppl to see the struggles ppl have with this disability but also how successful you can still be in everyday life regarding, employment, family, social, and relationships. I have a wonderful boyfriend, we haven’t been dating long but so far I couldn’t imagine my life without him. He’s got two wonderful kids. He lives in Truckee, Ca but we see another as often as possible. I’m trying to get my own car, with hand controls, and a license. I’ve passed the written test but so far it’s just getting the car and hand controls is the hard part. I just want everyone to see that regardless of what your physical capabilities are your no different. Some struggle more then others physically but anything is possible!

  74. David zajac

    My name is david zajac I have been playing professional beer pong for 5 years.I compete in the world series of beer pong every year and come closer and closer every year.this past year I had my best run yet and finished 5th place out of 500 teams. Ive been to every corner of the country and have won over 400 tournaments and made about$ 80,000. Im one of the best shooters in the world. I have a event coming up in nj for 20,000 last year I lost in the finals. . My life is a wild ride and I now have friends from all over the world. My story is worth a episode, mtv true life I play beer pong

  75. Alexandra pringle

    I’m Alexandra Pringle. You can call me alex for short. I have two other friends named Kamlyn Yokoyama and michaela Cruz. We call each other by our last names. So I call them Yokoyama and cruz. We all met from our military school that we spent the last 5 months together. If we had true life it’d be “true life, we will never be able to find love” we all these particular problems in ourselfs… Drugs, money, anxiety, depression, we crave love and do these things to fill this empty hole we have inside us. I mean DONT get me wrong, we look like normal classy hot girls so why do we feel so empty when it comes to men. For God sakes, we’re all 17 and graduated early 2/3 of us are in college and 2/3 of us are going into the military. So why do we feel so empty if we have everything? Please explain to us why. Come inside and follow us to our exciting yet sad life.
    – Xoxo alex