Terminales - ABC Family

Terminales – ABC Family Casting Calls

The Secret Life Of An American Teenager, Switched At Birth, Make It Or Break It, Pretty Little Liars – these are just a few of the fantastic ABC Family dramas that have captured the hearts of millions each week on cables family network and now another amazing series is preparing to debut. Terminales is currently in pre-production and casting calls will soon be underway for roles of all kinds for actors of all ages. Submissions are being accepted today for this all new sure to be hit production.

Terminales will follow April a young talented and extremely driven reporter at a big city newspaper as she tries to excel in her writing and impress her difficult editor, devout time to her loving family and try her luck in romance. April’s life is challenging but rewarding and things seem to be on the rise when she is diagnosed with a terminal illness. She must now reevaluate everything in her life and start on a new path to healing and happiness. This will be yet another gripping and emotional production for ABC Family and must see viewing for the millions and millions of loyal fans that tune in each week to the networks impressive line up of quality family programming. Terminales has begun casting principle roles and have so far landed the fabulous talents of Italia Ricci (Secret Girlfriend, Unnatural History, Don Jon’s Addiction), Mary Page Keller (Hart Of Dixie, The Negotiator, Mad Men), Tamara Hickey (Bad As I Wanna Be: The Dennis Rodman Story, One Life to Live, Army Wives) and Haley Ramm (X-Men: The Last Stand, Into the Wild, Yours, Mine and Ours). Are you ready to throw your hat into the ring and be the next star of this exciting new ABC Family series? Auditions are being planned now and submissions are being accepted today. To apply for any role or for more information on the project you can go here facebook.com/CentralCastingOnLocation. Casting call updates will be posted as soon as they are released so keep checking back and leave a comment for us in the space below and tell us why you want to be cast in ABC Family’s Terminales.

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513 Casting Responses

  1. Ali Winot

    My name is Ali Winot.
    I am 20 years old, 5′ 3″ with long brown hair blue eyes and a petite body type weighing 135 lbs (Caucasian) I live in Vermont. I have always been interested in acting whether it be in a film or TV Series.I would be a great asset since I can be flexible with scheduling and with whatever I need to be! This would be a huge step considering the different angles of acting it has, from happy to sad to suspense and etc. I would be so proud to associate myself with that show and I would be a great representative for it. I can adapt to any roll and I have a great personality! I am great at memorizing many different things and I have tough skin, so I can take criticism well and I’m not a diva! I don’t want to be the normal ‘choose me’ type but I can promise I am worth the time and effort, I hate to disappoint people so I give it my 1000% all the time! Thanks for your time!!

    -Ali Winot
    Height- 5’3″
    Weight- 135 lbs
    Eye Color – Blue
    Hair Color – Naturally Brown
    Hair Length- Mid. Back
    Ethnicity – Caucasian

  2. Simone Taylor

    Good day all,
    My name is Simone Taylor; I live on the beautiful island of Barbados.
    Gender: Female
    Eye color: Dark Brown
    Hair color: Dark Brown

    From a child I knew there was something significant about me but I never knew what it was but life, it is the greatest teacher and it is through my life experiences I found out who I am and my passion for life.
    Creative arts are my passion; singing, dancing, acting and I am interested in pursuing an acting career as this is my strong point.
    I am ready to make this move and I would like to be a part of this movie.
    I have done some stage plays in my church, a local sitcom here is Barbados called “Keeping up with the Joneses” and I had the opportunity to star in a BET Rising Starts short film “Oh to forgive”.
    Simone Taylor

  3. Lindsey mitkish

    Name: Lindsey Anne mitkish
    Birth date: April 19, 1999
    Age: 15 pass for 17 or 18
    Hair: any color you like. Right now it is blackish brown
    Eyes: brown sometimes hazel
    Height: 5’7
    Weight: 120
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
    Further information: my hair is swishy skater bangs. I can send a picture if you would like to see, had braces, I was an extra in a zombie movie.
    Sex: girl

  4. Bless

    My name is bless Clarke I sing , dance , and act! I have been cast for many role but I always had to turn them down because they were in Cali or somewhere far! Don’t just look at this reply and think it’s just another wannabe be cause I have a passion for acting! I watch all abcfamily shows including switch at birth, The foster, pretty little liars, Twisted which I wish would come back on and many more! Please All I just Want is to be know and to be able to have an acting dream isn’t what this website for to make little kids dream come true.

  5. Chantelle Knox

    Heyyyy My Names Chantelle I Love Singing,Songwriting, & Acting
    Things About Me (Below)
    Weight:97 lbs.
    Skin Tone: Tan
    Ethnicity: Hawaiian And Flipino
    Email: knoxchantelle@gmail.com

  6. Shylah

    Hi I. Shylah and this show is amazing I love watching it on tv I will do what ever it takes to be on abc family I’m waiting for my time to come and do what I love hopefully you guys will get back to me have a great day

  7. rebecca faustin

    Hi am Rebecca and am black, I always wanted be an actor. I thought that being one will help bring out the part of me I hide every day so people will thing am normal.But am not am awkward an I think being awkward will help me be an amazing actor some day. I hope you guy pick me ,am 15 training 16 on June 30 /am 5’7 .

  8. Danish Roy

    I am Intrested in a role in this series. I am 22 and 6 ft tall, I am originally from Pakistan and moved when I was 10. There are not a lot of south Asian actors on tv and I want to prove to the world that we can do anything and I wanna be an inspiration to other South Asians to prove to th that color does not matter. As growing up I was always told I can’t do things because of the color of my skin. But I started acting in high school to show people I can do anything. I started acting in a YouTube channel also and have done quiet a lot of sketches and short films. I would love to have the chance to audition for this series. Please contact me with further info, My email is danishroy@gmail.com

    Thank you.

  9. Christal Stokes

    Hi there! My name is Christal Stokes (my real name is Christina but I go by Christal) and I would love to be in this new series. Before I explain why i’ll give some information about myself.

    Age: 16 almost 17 years old.
    Birthday: August 11th 1997.
    Appearance: I have long blonde hair and green eyes. I am around 5’2 and have a curvy build.
    My acting/singing experiences: Nothing ever big like commericals or movies but I do have a lot of acting and singing experience. I have been singing and acting for my churches since the 3rd grade. Every year my church puts on these live action dramas called Summer Explosion and Hell Night, and every year about 2000-3000 people come. (Check out Countryside Christian Center if you dont believe me) and every year I’ve been apart of it, whether if its voice-overs, lead roles, extras, or stunt doubles for some of the video scenes they’ve done.

    I cant give you the perfect actress background with a ton of experience, but the one thing I can give you

    is dedication.

    Acting has been my life for as long as I can remember. Its pretty much a part of me. When I play a character I don’t just “act” them, I transform into them. I take my characters to heart, and transform myself into them, when i’m on stage or recording, its no longer Christal standing there, its whatever character I am.

    I’ve always wanted to be a part of ABC and their shows and movies, but until now I’ve never had the financial ability to do so. Now since I have my own job to support myself, I can finally chase my dream while still having money coming in to lean on. I left public high school this year to do virtual school while I chased my acting dream. I hope I finally have a chance to show you guys that I am what you’re looking for, and that I will not let you down.

    This production would be a great way to open up many doors for me and to allow me to share what i’ve always wanted to do with the world, it would be such an honor to be even considered for this production.

    contact information:
    phone number

    I hope you guys consider me, thank you 🙂

  10. Levil Shawn DaCosta

    Hello, ABC Family!

    I’m Levil DaCosta, (I’m male) I’m 21, and I’m from Maplewood, New Jersey. A pretty small town. I had been interested in watching Chasing Life since I saw the preview for it, and it really is an inspiring show. Though, it’s only aired 2 episodes, April has already inspired me to not back down and to not give up. Back in May I was diagnosed with HIV and I know now it is not a death sentence in this day in age, but it is definitely a life changer.
    I don’t know how closely, or frequently these comments are looked into, and I know I might be over looked for many reasons (well I’m 5’2, I’m always over looked haha). But this show is about taking chances and that is what I am doing right now, by asking to be part of this show. I just hope I am given the chance to take it. 🙂

  11. Sarah Stokes

    Hello I might be a little young to even be considered but what the heck. I’m Sarah I’m 16 from Lubbock… A town that is just bursting at the seams with opportunity…. Haha. I would love to be considered for any role of any show of abc family. I maybe young but I have talent. I have been trained in all areas entertainment. Acting,singing,and dancing both classically and mainstream. I’m determined and zealous and have been told I’m exotic and charming. I’m a half black half white strong female with a kick mentality and skills that kill.
    Thanks for your time

  12. marta wilder

    Hi, I’m Marta wilder, I am male,23 with a turn on life.
    I’m a sensitive guy but stern. In my small town too many people are astound by me and I need a challenge, I believe you can provide that, do not hesitate to contact me

  13. Bianca Adame

    Female, Bianca, 22 years old.
    Height 5’4
    Hair and Eye color: Dark Brown
    Acting for me is not only a way to express myself, but a way to connect with an audience. As an actress you have the ability to be versatile, learning and becoming roles that in some way or another will touch someone in your audience. As a young adult I find it so compelling that I may have the ability to impact someones life. Not only would it be an honor to be apart of the hit series Ravenswood it would be more than my pleasure to be apart of a television network that captures a variety of age groups daily. ABC family is more than just a network this is a place where teens, young adults, and kids can come to gain knowledge through a series of shows. I look forward to hearing back from you.

    Thank you,

    Bianca Adame

  14. Bogomila-Maria Gospodinova

    Hi, i am 15 🙂 I wold realy love to be on the show ! I have brown hair and hazel eyes . I think it will be a lot of fun and a great opportunity for me 🙂 I know English, German and Bulgarian.Thank you!

  15. Delilah Taylor

    Hi, my name is Delilah and I am 17 years old. The experience I’ve had is in my drama class for the past 2 years and whatever you would do in a drama class. I would love to audition. I love ABC Family and would love to be apart of it.

  16. Slone Terranella

    Hi I’m slone Terranella and I live in Detroit Michigan
    SO I should probably tell you why I should be considered for a single role in the new show Terminales ! well let me start off by saying I’m 14 turning 15 very soon and well I’m half Asian and Swedish and Italian so I’m pretty unique looking and I have brown eyes and short hair. I’m in 9th grade and I look various ages and I don’t see why weight matters but I’m 121 lbs. and I’m 5’4 but height or weight doesn’t classify talent, anyhow I have no acting experience what so ever I mean I did plays in middle school so I guess I have roots but let me tell you I have passion. I can cry on command and I have so much passion to at least tackle Hollywood that so much emotion comes from my mouth when I recite a monologue that anyone listening does not have a dry eye. So moral of the story if the producers,directiors even look at this thing then just put me in the back of your minds and consider me to play apart in this t.v show. We’re all pretty desperate here on this website you can almost here the little pleases as you read a single paragraph saying why should we be considered to be on here maybe the question instead of being why we want to be on the cast of terminales maybe it should be what would we do if we were on the cast what we contribute. Not trying to dictate your jobs I mean I am only 14 but basically im trying to just make my paragraph more interesting and different than all the rest of the plea bargains on this comment section. But to answer your original question on why I WANT to be on this t.v show is that I simply want to be famous. This might sound dull and dark but when someone hears the name slone Terranella I want them to say back “Oh yea I just watched her on the t.v last week” instead of saying “who’s that,” see I might not have a clear goal right this moment but I for sure know that I rather eat baby wipes than be an insurance agent so asking again please consider me to play a role in this t.v show. thank you

  17. Yodit Woldegebriel

    Hi, my name is Yodit Woldegebriel. I am 5’8, African American (caramel skin), medium length black hair and 16 years old. Acting is my passion and for as long as I can remember, I wanted to become an actress. I take drama classes were I have an A in and would love to start taking my skills onto the big screen. I grew up obsessed with all the wonderful show ABC Family aired and just the thought of actually being one, is a dream come true. I’m currently working on finding a legit agency that can represent me. I can send in videos of my acting skills, just email me. Please and thank you. I will not let you down. Have a nice day!

  18. Cherise Friedrich

    My name is Cherise Friedrich and am 20 years old. I have been acting ever since I was in high school. I am from Nebraska, but will be living in San Antonio Texas for awhile. I know what hard work consists of in order to follow your dreams. Acting is something that I will continue to do. I have a passion for it and have always been known to be the one with the weird facial expressions making people laugh! I have always had an extreme infatuation with publicity, movies, music, dance, and any kind of theatre performance. Being ambitious and putting myself out there has never been a struggle for me.
    One of my fondest memories was achieving first at state speech in humorous prose both my junior and senior year of high school. Not only was I able to place first, I was also selected by NSAA to perform live on NET-1 TV’s “NSAA Speech Championships: Best of the Best” program. It was the best feeling to know that by putting in lots of hard work and much passion, I was able to excel in doing what I love.
    Please consider me for an audition. I will always give it 110%. Thank you for taking the time to read this!

  19. Hailey Ennis

    Hi, my name is Hailey Ennis, I am 15 years old but typically get mistaken for older than i am. I have been preforming for as long as i can remember. I currently sing, dance, act, and model for a company called “Barbizon USA” . I have brown hair, brown eyes. I am 5’8. I am VERY outgoing. Even more than i probably should. I feel this would be an amazing experience and opportunity to jump start my career. One chance, is all im asking 🙂

  20. Bria Day

    hey my name is Bria Day I am from Henderson Kentucky. I am 19 I’ll be 20 June 6th. I am African American I stand at 5’0. I have brown eyes but I do wear contacts as well. I love ABC family TV shows because they relate to real life situations . Being in front of a camera makes me feel comfortable because I’m able to be someone other than myself. Giving this opportunity to let my voice be heard means a lot to me . Thank you for taking the time to read my comment . Any feedback will be appreciated

    Have a nice day

    Bria DaShae Day

  21. Clarice Cephas

    Hi My name is Clarice Cephas,I would love to tell you guys about hair colour,eye colour,i would like to tell you guys about my personal information,i may not be like the famous people who you write about but i can be the one to make people believe in lots of things,example:believing yourself,and tryto ppeople.my auaunt deidie from a illness that no body know how to say it,she was a pretty lady,she always makes me feel better about myself if it wasn’t for her i won’t have that strong in me to believe who i really am,some time i asked why death has to take the be lovely people in our lives. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(. I’m so sorry to get emotional.

  22. Mara Bennett

    I could write and tell you all about me. I could tell you that I’m 5’9 and 23. I could tell you that I’vr graduated college. I could tell you the color of my hair and eyes. But I won’t. I believe this show is something I can really relate to and feel. My mom passed away of cancer when I was 14. My goal is to not let people watch what I’m saying, I want them to feel it. I want them to feel heartbreak and happiness an laughter. I would be perfect for this show. I believe that with ll my heart. Give me the opportunity to show you why. Am I a well-known actress as those you have written about? No, but what I can bring to the table will change the lives in people dealing with terminal illness. And it would be my please to share that experience.

  23. Brenn Allen

    My name is Brenn Allen I have blond hair hazel eyes . I would like to be recruited for acting because I am highly talented as my best friend made me type and I liove to act. Acting is my dream and so is being on stage . I am in my schools drama club in Anderson Indiana ………Pleasse make this 13 yr olds dream come true.!?!

  24. Tyler West

    SAG-AFTRA actor
    Age: 19
    Height: 5’9
    Ethnicity: African- American
    Study: Beverly Hills Playhouse
    Link: imdb.com/name/nm1874843/
    Film- Kicking and Screaming Featured
    Film- Bad News bears Featured
    Commercial-Nissan Main Actor
    Commercial-Scott Paper Towel Main Actor
    Commercial-Downey Main Actor
    Print- Six Pix Game Mattell
    Print-Macy’s Catalog
    Print-Target Catalog

  25. Meagan Rose Carioti

    Hey my name is Meagan and I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I am 4’9(fun sized) and what I lack in height I make up for in talent. You know what they say: great things come in small packages. I love acting and have played lead roles in many school plays. I am a hardworking and always wanted to be an actress ever since I was little. I would love this opportunity to enter the industry/acting world.

  26. Jacque' Augustus

    Height 5’7
    Weight 135lbs
    Dress size 4
    Pants 4-6
    Waist 24″
    American Indian/Dominican
    (Can go for African American as well)

    I’m perfect for the time because I know how to keep the people interested. I have taken a few classes to better help me with my skills, and i have extra/stand in experience. I know that I can easily hit all range of emotions. My open outgoing personality allows me to easily target any character.

  27. Maria Ave''

    Hey, My name is Maria Ave’. I’m a recording artist, singer, writer, and I’ve recently began doing some acting in Broadway musicals. I’ve studied dance at a performing arts school and am currently nominated for a music award. Would love to bring my abilities to your network!

  28. Ashlie Gauthier

    I should be considered for a role in terminals because I love your channel abc family! I have to admit I am a little obsessed with your show The Fosters! My acting role model is Mia Mitchell and I want to be just like her. I am only 14 but I can probably pull off 16 or 12 if necessary and if not necessarily the main role I would love to be on your supporting crew. I have big dreams of being an actress and this role would be the best start I can imagine, please consider me for any part in this show I love to write and my dreams are to be an actress and children’s book writer. I am currently working on a novel entitled the boarder children so this role would fit me perfectly. I am about 5′ 4 and I have Carmel brown hair and brown eyes but I can dye my hair and I already have contacts so colored contacts would be an easy adjustment for me if you want a different look. I am defiantly a people person and I could talk to a walk so I usually get along with people. Please consider me for this role I think I would fit into your cast very easily!

  29. Leigh

    Tall blonde seeks perfect role. Have experience with media and presenting roles. Now looking for a deliscious role to revel in!

  30. Nicole

    First off can I just say I love switched at birth, pretty little liars, the secret life of an American teenager (my favorite show) and more! Lots of people say I look like Shailene Woodley. Anyways, please consider me for this role because I love (LOVE) acting and would like to start my carreer. I’m not that experienced but I am good.

  31. Angelique Wislon

    Hello, My name is Angelique Wilson, I’m 20 years old, but look like I’m 16. My dream and passion is to become an actress for the longest time, its only a matter of time Im going to go crazy from not being in the field, I love abc family and all its series, I grew up watching abc family my whole life. it would be an honor to become apart of the cast. My height is 5’2, Im from

  32. sabrea woodberry

    i love to act sing and dance and all those thing make me who i am today im 16 and ive been acting for like along time

  33. Mikaela H

    Hi my name is Mikaela and I am 16 almost 17 years old. I have grown up watching ABC Family and have always thought it would be cool to be on it. I have a dream to be a successful actress and would love the opportunity. I am 5’1″ tall or around there. I would love the opportunity to be in this show it seems like a really good plot and cast and I will wait to hear from you! Thanks for your time!

  34. Emily McAlindin

    Hello! my name is Emily McAlindin. I am 18 years old. I live in Southern California. Like all other actors, it is my passion. I view acting as just really good lying. Whether it is getting excused from homework, or an excuse for being late, I have always been able to spin a story and sell it. That basic quality is something all actors should hold. It would be an honor to be a part of a show produced by such an incredible network.

    Height: 5’10”
    Weight: 130 lbs
    Build: toned, athletic

    Thank you for your time!
    Emily McAlindin

  35. Alicia

    Hi I’m Alicia and I am 14 years old. I’m about 5’1 – 5’2. I’ve been in a few plays and productions at my school and I would love to have a role in Terminales. This would be an amazing experience for me and I good start for my dream of being an actress. I’m a big fan of abc family and I would love to be part of it. Thank you (:

  36. Ariana/Pheonix

    Hello, my name is Ariana, but I go by Pheonix, because of my love, or what some would call obsession, with the mystical/magical bird. It’s spelled differently however because of a typo that, to put frankly, I was too lazy to correct 😀
    I turned 18 a little over a week ago (February 14, 2014). I’m from a little town in Connecticut, well not exactly little but, not exactly large, and have been told constantly from a young age to pull my head from the clouds and start thinking of a real career. For as long as I could remember I knew performing would always be in my future. Although, to please my mother I’d have a back up plan.
    I always loved performing but I didn’t realize the passion I held for it until I was in middle school. I had turned 11 and had decided to audition for my school’s talent show as a singer covering Taylor Swift’s ‘Our Song.’
    I had managed to secure a spot on and was all set to perform. Come the day of the show, the teacher’s in charge had told me I would not be performing because they did not want me to embarrass myself.
    Rather than let that get me down all my life, I decided to use the experience as something to drive me to success.
    I am now a newly graduated high school student and have done several things I am both proud, and ashamed of.
    I am proud that I’ve moved past the whole 6th grade talent show fiasco, yet also ashamed that for a brief time, I did let it have me question everything I had seen for my future. In high school (which I finished 3 weeks ago), I joined my high school’s drama club. For three years I was part of something that accepted my flaws, my quirkiness, my shyness and my flare for performing. Coming out of high school I can proudly say I was co-president of the Drama Club, an actor, play-writer, director, techie, and friend.
    The Drama Club helped me re-realize my passion for performing.
    Many of my fellow members, which are still in fact in high school, have told me to, in other words, “Kill those haters with kindness, and success.”Which, even before they told me that, I had planned on doing. Although, that does make it sound like I only want to perform to prove all those who said I couldn’t, wrong. But that is in no way the case. I truly do love performing. I love the butterflies it gives me, the adrenaline the crowd gives me and the burst of pride I feel when a show has gone smoothly and the curtain either opens or drops.
    Like I said, my name is Ariana, but I go by Pheonix, wrongly spelled due to a typo I, and my loved ones were too lazy to ever bother to fix.
    I am 18, and a newly graduated high school students looking to make her mark in the world.
    I am 5’6 have brown eyes and brown/ombre effect brown hair that comes to just below my chest.
    I love acting, singing, baseball/softball(which I’ve played for 6 years now), music and food.
    I’m a bit of a perfectionist and give everything my all.
    I can’t promise you I’ll be perfect, but I can promise you I will try my very best to reach perfection.
    If you give me a chance, by giving me the info to this or any other auditions that are open in the New England area, I can promise you I will do my best so you don’t regret it.

  37. Ashley maldonado

    Hi my name is Ashley I’m 12 years old i love to watch pretty Little liars there would not be one day that I wouldn’t watch it, it’s my tv show and if your looking for a talented girl I’m the one you want, hope you guys read this and really take your Time to know that you should pick me!!!!

    Love, your future tv star Ashley

    Height: 4″11″
    Gender: female
    I’m from Washington, D.C.
    Ethnicity: Hispanic

  38. Pamela maria

    Hi, my name is pamela and i’m 15 years old almost 16. I’m from New York and i’m in 10th grade.
    I think i should be considered because i LOVE acting more than anything. I feel like i can
    Spend hours and hours filming and i just wouldn’t get tired because i like it and when you like
    Something you won’t get tired of it. I started doing films with my sister’s video camera since i was 5. It wasn’t a real film but it’s actually not that bad for a 5 year old. I used to tell my sister everyday to record me doing random things ( i still have those videos). I’m very outgoing and i like to interact with people. At first i can be kind of quiet but when i get to know you theres nothing that can stop me from talking.

    That was all and i would love to get an aswer. Thank you

  39. Brittany Sosinavage

    My name is Brittany, I’ am 17 years old, and looking to perform at higher levels of acting. This would be an amazing opportunity for me to peruse my acting career. I also have experiences with performing, and would love to learn more from this once in a lifetime opportunity. I’am also a huge fan of ABC Family, with hoping to become a part of something so extraordinary as this new show!
    Thank you for your time!
    (Contact Info: 407-437-9465)

  40. Verolinka Slawon

    Hello, my name is Veronica but my family spelled it Verolinka. I live in Charlotte, NC. I am 14years old, I live with my dad, sister, and stepmom. I am from West Africa, Liberia. I have a Liberian accent. My dream is to be an actor and I want to help my family in Africa. I am a straight A’s student, I play almost every sports, I’m caring, kind, respectful and responsible. I go to Garinger High School. Please I want to help my family, I really need this acting job. I used to take part in plays and people said I’m really good and I should be an actor. So I want to follow my dream, please help I and my family. Thank you

  41. Cvetelina Nedkova

    i am 14 and i am good at acting …i love it it is fun and everything 🙂 i don’t have a lot of experience but everybody is starting from somewhere right ? :d well i just want a chance and if something comes up please write to me on my email 🙂 thank u

  42. ASHLEY!

    Hi my name is ashley and i am 14 years old (but i look older) and i would really love to be on ABC FAMILY show. I really enjoy acting. I watch so many ABC FAMILY shows and they just inspire me even more. when ever i watch a tv show i can just imagine my self playing the different parts and i just get really addicted and attached. i even feel the different emotions that the characters have to deal with. I am very good at dramatic and emotional scenes. Also my favorite actress, inspiration, and role model (Shailene Woodley) was on an ABC FAMILY show! And I feel like this would be an amazing oppertunity and would truly make my dreams come true.

    HEIGHT: 5’7

  43. Shaquille Roberts

    I am so excited to hear that the TV show “Terminales” is casting in Illinois. I read the show description and it definitely sounds like something I would love to be a part of. I’ve acted in different plays where I had to play a variety of characters from funny roles to dramatic, emotional roles. I just recently received a callback from AMTC (Actors, Models & Talent for Christ) and I also went to school for film. I would love an audition for any role.

    Height” 5’2″
    Weight: 190
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Brown

    Thank you for your time,

    Shaquille Roberts

  44. jenny

    hello I am jenneyra they call me “jenny” I am 13 going 14 people tell me I look various ages. I have a passion for singing and acting and I have a bit of experience in singing because ive participated in a singing show. I would like to be in a movie or tv show because I would like for people to look at my talent and to know that they can reach their dream by believing on themselves. people have told me that im good at acting even my teachers. I wish to hear from you give me a call (619)772-5726

  45. Kiley Mariah

    Hey , I’m Kiley. I’m also known as Kiley Mariah. I am a mixed 15 year old girl. I am half White and half Samoan. My two cultures are very important to me and family is everything. I have wanted to be in the entertainment business since I was most likely five or six. I am a performer. I’m not perfect by no means but I try my best and I love doing it. This is basically just a little get to know me. Well maybe someday I’ll look back at this and laugh.

  46. tonyia

    Good Day!
    Acting is a long life dream of mine I am finally trying to make come true. No experience I should say, but I set my mind to something I love and will make the best out of it as I can.
    Terminales sounds like a show I could bring something great to.
    25 years old. 5’2, Hispanic American Indian

  47. Chaedene Campbell

    Hello, my name is Chaedene C, I am 14 years old, soon to be 15.
    Race: Jamaican
    Skin Color: Med. Brown
    Hair color: Dark Brown
    Height: 5’0
    weight: 130
    I have been performing since the young age of 2, I can dance, sing, model, act, and play the clarinet. If given a role, I will do my best, and become my character. I have recently taken an acting class, and enjoyed it immensely. Please consider me for this show and you wont regret it. Thank you for your time.

  48. Jaleisha Turner

    Name:Jaleisha Turner
    Height: 5″3″
    Experience: School plays
    Gender: Female
    Ethnicity: African american
    Contact Info:6825824826
    I am a hard worker , Im graduating early at age 17and i work…….. I would really like this opportunity! Im ready to start my career ,because soon as I get out off of high school I want to become famous. Im willing to work hard and do what ever it takes for WHAT I WANT! Im determined and ready………………….

  49. Melissa Abigail Lozano

    Hello, I am 21 years old living in the LA area.
    I do not have much experience with acting excpet for a few short student films and acting classes. I want to act because I want to reach out to the audience. Cinematherapy is a type of therapy that is used to help people relate to characters in a movie/tv show. I would like to be a part of something that someone can watch and identify with. Films have this power to them that can really capture and move people. I also find acting to be something extremely fun but with hard work as well and I would like to give my acting passion a shot.

    Hispanic/European mix
    5 ft.
    Dark brown hair and eyes.
    100 lbs.

    Thank you for your time!

  50. Mallory hutchins

    Hi my name is Mallory , I’m 13 years old. Almost 14
    Height 5’8
    Weight 160
    Hair medium length color brown
    Eyes bright blue
    My favorite show is the secret life of the American teenager . My role model is shailene woodley.
    She is beyond amazing. It would be an honor to star in any abc family show.

  51. Karla Moreno

    Hi my name is Karla Moreno, I am 15 (almost 16). I live in Miami, Fl. I speak both Spanish and English fluently. I’ve been acting since I was 4 years old and singing since I was 11. It will be a privilege,dream, and honor to be considered because all I ever wanted was to be an actress since I was 4. I love singing as well, it’s like my escape away. And I know I can reach my goal and dream to be and actress or artist. I’m not just saying this to win your vote but to show that I am able to do this. This is all I ever wanted honestly it is , I’ve never desired something this much before. I will do ANYTHING to live my dream. I’m extremely devoted in this and I will do anything the director tells me to do. And that’s all I have to say. Thank you 🙂

  52. Jahvanna McCully

    Name ; Jahvanna McCully
    Age and Birth Date : June 9, 1997 ;16
    Height: 5’4
    Weight : 120
    Body Type : Slim
    Race/Ethnicity : African American , White , Filipino.
    Hair Color ; Black
    Eye color : Brown
    City and State : San Diego , Ca
    Phone number : (619)381-2559
    Little About Me : I love to Sing , Dance , And have fun with friends ; I’ve been interested in modeling and acting for a Long time . Some Previous Experiences in School Dramas and Modeling .

  53. Deyja Martin

    Hello, All. My name is Deyja. I’m 16 years old and my dream is to act. When I was a little girl, I was so dramatic. Everything I did was acting. Acting is a huge passion of mine. I just really want to do it. I dont tjink my mind would ever change when it comes tobwanting to act. 🙂 It’s just so fun. I take up any opportunity I can get when it comes to either singing or acting. And I wouldnt want to miss out on this opportunity either. I can turn anyplace into my own personal stage and I can use anything for a mike and just have fun acting like a famous singer or actress wherever I am. I used to have my mom watch me while I sing and perform different scenes and songs, (some from tv, some I wrote.) I have many big dreams and I’m ready to start going after them. If I could be a part of this production, that would be so amazing. All I want to do is entertain people all over the world. Please consider me for this. I would be thrilled. Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity.

    Clumsy. Silly. I laugh at just about everything. VEGETARIAN. Animal lover. I consider myself a Hipster. I’m strange. Hate math. Believe in every mythical person and creature except Santa, Tooth Fairy, and Easter Bunny. Dyslexic. Obsessed with chocolate. Love movies. My favorite nights are full moons. Love dancing. I love dressing up and walking up and down my hall pretending like I’m on a runway.


    Gender: Female
    Age: 16 (I can look as young as 14 and as old as 17)
    Ethnicity: Mixed (African American, Jamaican, Egyptian, Puerto Rican, and Italian. )
    Hair: Dark Brown.
    Eyes: Brown.
    Height: 5’6″
    Weight: 136
    Body Type: Average
    Skin Type: Caramel
    Talents: Actress, Singer, Model, Writer, Poet, Artist, I’m pretty good at dancing.

    (Best Number) My number: 678-499-3796
    (Best Email ) purpleraven23@gmail.com
    My Mom’s Number: 404-503-7993
    My Mom’s Email ) veryprettytonia@gmail.com
    My Sister’s Number: 678-596-7380
    My Sister’s Email: a.nicole0984@gmail.com

  54. Annie

    My name is Annie, I’ve always had a love for performing. I enjoy singing a lot, I’ve performed at school (assemblies, the usual). I’ve always wanted to try my hand at acting, and I can imagine I would be pretty okay at it! (touch wood)… I am a huge fan! I’m alright at doing accents – with practice and I can be pretty dramatic in daily life … which may or may not tie in well .. ?

    Some physical details about me…
    I’m 4ft 10
    16 years old
    Naturally dark brown hair *currently dyed ginger*
    Blue eyes
    Freckles, when it’s the summer

    I’m not sure if I can be considered, because I live in the UK … but I thought I’d just put myself out there. 🙂

    Thank you,

  55. yictzel

    Hi my name is yictzel hard to pronounce and hard to write .I
    Go by the name of Gigi I have no experience but even as a
    Little girl I’ve been outgoing and very spontaneous.
    And have always felt that I needed to act. I am 13 about to be 14 and
    Would love a chance at acting even if its the smallest role ever. Just the fact that I can get and opportunity would be amazing!

  56. Savannah McNeal

    Hi! My name is Savannah Marie McNeal
    Age: 14
    DOB: 9/19/1999
    Live: Virginia
    Height: 5ft 8in
    Weight: 160
    Gender: Female
    Race: White

    I’ve done plenty of things in my life, in 2011 I auditioned for Disney Channel an got the role for Good Luck Charlie. I was so excited, but had family problems. I understand illness and how to overcome situations. I am also work at a boot camp during the summer called United States Army Cadet Corps, I am a Sergeant. I also have been to NASA. I know that I’m only 14 but, I’m very mature for a 14 year old. Most people look at me and say “are you a junior or senior?” I can look young and I can look older, make up can change the way I look in the matter of seconds. I watch ABC family all the time. I’ve done concerts, and my aunt is Faith hill. I come from a family that lives in fame. I understand how the world is and how to over come it. I’m a very strong person in my own mind. I can write, very well and my family’s magazine, I have wrote a couple articles. My Parents both used to work for the Washington Post, and my father Deals with The Walking Dead and Dexter. I would love to have this position as being a character on this show. I had a grandfather who died of cancer, and I feel like this would make me as the character really feel into and be apart of it as it was really going on in my own hands. Thank you so much! Please get back to me.

  57. Jessica Pineda

    My name is Jessica Pineda and I am a female Filipino 13 year old. I will be turning 14 on March 15, 2014. I have been in a few plays at my school, and I have also taken the Six Days of Broadway Summer Camp Program in the past. Being on tv has always been my dream, so I would love to take this opportunity to show my dedication and skill. I live in Orange County, Southern California, and I would love to be on ABC Family

  58. Jatorra Jackson

    Hi, my name is Jatorra Jackson. I’m 5’5, 15 years old and I live in Waterbury CT. I’m in 9th grade and am dedicated to the arts. I love acting, singing, and dancing. I’m not going to badger you about how much I want to be on the show or how I’ve waited for this kind of opportunity for a while. Instead, I’m going to tell you that I’m a driven girl. I will work endless hours and always give my 110%. I have taken classes at John Cassablanca’s Modeling Management, I have won a pageant and am a member of many theatrical plays in my town.Thank you for your consideration.

  59. Jasmine Alvarenga

    Name: Jasmine Alvarenga
    Age: 14
    Height : 62 inches
    Weight: 113
    Ethnicity : Hispanic / American
    Hair Color : Dark Brown
    Hair Length : Right underneath my shoulders
    Eye color: Black/Brown

    Hello, my name is Jasmine. I live in Los Angeles, CA. I loved acting since I was little and always would want to try to take a new step in life. My dream has always been to become an actress. Acting is a place where I can express who I am even though I am playing another character. I just find a beautiful sense to it. I would love to get any role in any show or movie you are willing to give me. I will do my best and show you that I am a hardworker and have determination to my work. When it comes to memorizing, I feel like it sticks to my head for a very long time and I feel that my lines are just regular words or sentences out of my mouth. I’m going to tell the truth, I love talking. Talking is fun and acting is either doing what the chartacter should do or should say, It’s simple and really fun for me. Also, I will show that I can stay on task and be well organized too. I have a 4.0 GPA and I take honors classes. I play sports, I’m active , I’m friendly. I’m just me , and I love to do what I do.
    Thank you.

  60. Amiah Marshall

    Hello I’m Amiah, and here’s my basic information.
    Date of Birth- 4/1/01
    Height-5’2 1/2
    Skin Color- Brown
    Eye Color-dark brown
    Hair color-black
    My talents are singing and acting. I also know the basics of piano and guitar.
    I feel that I should be chosen for a part in this production because I am dedicated, hard working, driven, a good listener, and have a dedication to acting. Unfortunately I have no experience with acting, but am very teachable. Since I’m a good writer-in my opinion that is- I think that I can pull off the part of April, but I would be happy to have the chance to do any part. I hope you will consider me.

  61. kahris bowles


    I am Kahris Bowles and I am currently 18 years old. I love in Clinton, Maryland and attend school in South Orange, New Jersey at Seton Hall University. I am a Psychology and Broadcasting major that has aspirations of having a talk show one day. I am African American, 5’6 and 140 lbs. I have experience as a dancer and a cheerleader. I have danced for 12 years and also worked as a dance teacher for two years. Also, I was a cheerleader throughout high school. I am very interested in being apart of Terminles and would be overwhelmed with excitement if allowed this opportunity.

  62. summer

    Hi summer s the name and acting the game I love acting and I love being in front of the camera and a brown haired young lady 11 to be exact I will be the next big thing if you give me a chance

  63. Lois Henderson

    Hello, my name is Lois.

    Age-14 (Though I look older)
    Eyes- Blue
    Hair- Blonde/Brown (I wouldn’t mind changing it)
    Ethnicity- Scottish
    Skin- Pale

    I know that you probably won’t read this but I would love the opportunity to be a part of this show. If was chosen I feel that I could be a productive part in the show. I’m a fast learner, hard working and easy to get along with. I know that you will hear a lot of people saying this but acting on the big screen has been a dream of mine for a long, long time and I would love to be able to turn that dream into a reality. I hope that you can give me the time to show and prove to you how much this would mean to me and my family. Thank you for taking the time to read this and for hopefully considering me, it means alot.

    – Lois

  64. Amiah Marshall

    Hello, my name is Amiah. I am an African American, 12 year old girl. I have dark chocolate brown eyes, that are covered by my glasses. I weighed 94 pounds last I checked in October, and am 5’2 1/2. I am hard working, have a good attitude, and am very teachable. Wich is good since I unfortunately have no experience with acting. I have aleays wanted to experience something such as this, and would love to be given a chance.

  65. Amiah Marshall

    Hello, my name is Amiah. I am an African American, 12 year old girl. I have dark chocolate brown eyes, that are covered by my glasses. I weighed 94 pounds last I checked in October, and am 5’2 1/2. I am hard working and very teachable. Wich is good since I unfortunately have no experience with acting. I have aleays wanted to experience something such as this, and would love to be given a chance.

  66. Holly Harvey

    Name: Holly Harvey
    Gender: Female
    Age: 14 but can look way way older
    Weight: 194.4 lbs recently
    Hair: Dark Brown-Blackish Color (Naturally)
    Skin: Fair White, pinkish color. Freckled, Dark around eyes(kind of like a birthmark).
    Eyes: Hazel
    Height: 5’4 1/2 feet.
    Personality: I have A.D.D. and am kind of energetic, I’m bubbly and usually happy. I like to think of myself as a sweet girl but I can’t really tell. I’m a freshmen in high school and DRAMATIC, from what I’ve been told. I like writing and acting. I love doing different things, I’m a different person. Confident.
    Place: East Texas, Small Town(:
    Experience: I haven’t a lot of experience in film but I do have previous acting experience.
    Body Type: Curvy, not too fat and not skinny.

  67. Heizel Zuniga

    Gender: Female
    Age: 15
    Height: 5’4
    Weight: 117 lbs
    Ethnicity: Hispanic
    Hello my name is Heizel Zuniga and I have a lot of experience in theater. I would love to audition for any role in “Terminales” Can you please reply to me with some more information? Thank you.

  68. Lisa

    I’m 16,female,brown hair, brown eyes. I play percussion and piano and sing a little. I would really like an opportunity to try out acting and it’s something I’m very passionate about I hope you will give me a chance.

  69. Auriana Crowder

    Hi I’m Auriana Crowder, I’m 15 years old, and I’m biracial African American and Cuban American. This would be such of a thrill to have a chance to be on this show. I’ve done plays at my school, performed and modeled in front people in a mall and other experiences with acting and modeling.
    My email is: aurianacrowder@gmail.com
    Height: 5’4
    Eye color: dark brown
    Hair color: Dark brown
    Weight: 107 lbs
    skin color: brown

  70. Sofija Baykun

    Hi I’m Sofija Baykun. I’m 13 years old, female, caucasian, long brown hair, brown eyes, about 5ft.7 and i weigh like 105lbs. I’ve been acting since i was really little in school plays and musicals, performing arts and acting classes and camps, etc. I don’t have much experience, and no professional experience, but i really do love acting and being in this show would be amazing! thanks for your time (if you read this)

  71. Idalis Garcia

    There are so many comments here and I truthfully don’t think you’ll see mine but I think it would be an honor to work with ABC Family and the actors on this show. I’m young but I think I could bring a lot to ABC and to such a great production. The Secret Life of an American Teenager used to be one of my favorite shows. I remember every Monday night I would sit on the couch with my mom and watch it. It would be an honor if you chose me. I have been acting for a while now but mostly in theatre. It would be absolutely amazing if you considered me to be a part or even an extra. Thank you!!

    Age: 15, 16 in April. (I have played as young as 10yrs old & as old as 25)
    Weight: 110 lbs
    Height: 5″4
    Hair Color: Brown but I wouldn’t mind changing it.

    I am spanish but have light skin and naturally curly hair. I also have danced since I was 2 years old. For any other questions or concerns please email me. Thanks again xo

  72. Rissa

    Hi my name is Rissa and in 2011 I found out I had a brain tumor and possibly cervical cancer. Since then the doctors have yet to find anything conclusive. I been into acting since I was I kid. In high school and college I took several acting classes. I love acting it helps you get through a lot. I would love to play a character in this show because it plays close to home and I could bring a lot of real life emotion to the screen. Please consider me.

  73. Hayley Martin

    Hi I am Hayley Martin
    Height: 5′ 5.5
    Weight: 130 lbs
    Hair: Brown/ medium to long in length
    Eyes: Hazel/ Green
    Skin Color: White

    I have been watching the network for years, and I would love to become a part of it. I am new to acting, but I finally have decided this is the path I want to go down in my life. I have taken a few classes throughout school and I feel that I can easily hit all range of emotions. I would love to jump start my career with the network I grew up loving. I feel that I am a great actress, and would love to have the opportunity to show you what I can do.

  74. Jewelle

    Hi, my name is Jewelle. I’m 5’2, 15 years old, I have no experience & I’m African-American. I would live to be apart of this show because it seems really intense, sad, and funny. Since the girl has to live her life to the fullest, a lot of hilarious things can happen but she has terminal illness so it’s going to be sad at some parts. I feel like this a TV show I could really get into & perform well at it because it’s things that happened in the world. And probably there is going to be everyday struggles that girl has to face, so I would love to be on this show. Thank you so much for reading.

  75. Miranda Morales

    My name is Miranda Morales. I’m 17 years old and I would love to audition for a role in Terminales. I have been acting for years. For my school, and as a kid I would write scripts with my cousin and I would record them or put shows on for friends. Acting is something I love doing and so I would love to audition for this show. It would truely be a dream come true.