Supergirl - CBS

Supergirl – CBS

The superhero phenomenon is not just for the multiplexes anymore. The epic stories and exhilarating battles of our beloved comic characters have extended into the world of television and now the producing team behind two of the best on the air today, The Flash and Arrow, are helping to bring another incredible icon to TV’s everywhere and this one is their most amazing yet. Supergirl is here and ready to rock audiences across the globe and casting for upcoming episodes are being organized now.

CBS’ Supergirl is based on the legendary DC Comics series tells the story of Kara Zor-El, a young girl born on the planet Krypton who escapes to Earth. Like her cousin Superman, Kara hides her otherworldly identity and powers until she is 24 and decides to use her super abilities for the good of the planet.

Supergirl stars rising star Melissa Benoist (Whiplash, Danny Collins, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit) as the iconic superhero Supergirl alongside a supporting cast loaded with huge talent including Laura Benanti (Nashville, Go On, Falling for Grace), Calista Flockhart (Ally McBeal, The Penguins of Madagascar, Drunks), Dean Cain (Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Out of Time, Mulaney), Chyler Leigh (Reunion, 7th Heaven, Grey’s Anatomy), Helen Slater (Supergirl: The Movie, Gigantic, The Legend of Billie Jean), Mehcad Brooks (About Last Night, Desperate Housewives, The Game) and David Harewood (Homeland, The Merchant of Venice, Doctor Who). This exciting superhero series is being brought to television by the fabulous producing team of Greg Berlanti (Dawson’s Creek), Ali Adler (Glee), Andrew Kreisberg (Warehouse 13) and Sarah Schechter (Pan).

The superhero sensation continues with Supergirl! Auditions for several roles in this outstanding series are set to begin shortly and interested performers can send emails soon to submit themselves for consideration for openings. All future casting updates for this action-packed production will be published here so check back for all news and information and leave a message in the area provided below and tell us your thoughts on this project and why you would like to be a part of upcoming casting calls for the CBS hit Supergirl.

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201 Casting Responses

  1. Kiana

    Hi my name is Kiana and I’m 14 years old. I am a huge fan of Supergirl and I would like to be and extra on your show. I don’t have any experience but everyone starts somewhere and I think that Supergirl would be a great start for me.

  2. Jennifer Williams

    Hi my name is Jennifer Williams I love the supergirl show and I would really love to be on it Cause a show inspires me.

  3. Taylor

    For any extra or DEO Agent. I do have military and police experience as well as acting and camera acting schooling experience. 5ft 5in female, slim build, blonde hair/blue eyes, Caucasian.

  4. Steven

    Hi my name is steven hall I’m 6’0 feet tall I live in Chicago and I would really love the opportunity to be on this show. I can play any role I’m 18 turning 19 and would love to get a start on my acting career And I’m also Caucasian I would really like to get this opportunity thank you I can work any time any day I’m free all the time.

  5. Steven

    Hi my name is Steven Hall I’m 18 turning 19 this fall and I would really like the chance to be on supergirl I’m from Chicago and I would love to be on the show I can play any role or do anything you need me to. I am very passionate about acting and this would really be a jumpstart of my career.

  6. Sarah

    For super girl , ex model . Have great talent .

  7. Samantha Sykes

    Hi, I’m Samantha Sykes from the USA. My birthday is 4/4/1994. I’m 5’6 with brown hair and blue eyes. I have two and half years of acting with theater but I’m a quick study. I’ve been a big fan since season one of Supergirl. I’ve loved all of the CBS superhero show and I keep up with them.

  8. Ainoa


    My name is Ainoa De Maleingreau from Luxembourg. I am born 30.01.08
    I am blond and i have blue eyes
    I am 1.53 meters.
    I have lamda classes every week and do lamda exams every year since im seven .(i got distinction two times and merit once)
    I was a figurant in a movie last year an i loved it.
    And i can sing normaly
    Me dream is tout be an actress and i loved the supergirl seires. It would be a dream come true to be a part and work with the supergirl team on a new and amazing season.

  9. Michaela Bocci

    Name: Michaela Grace Bocci
    Birthday: 01/03/1998
    Age: 20
    Height: 5’6”
    Hair Color: Brown (currently dark red [dyed])
    Eye Color: Brown
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
    Languages: English, French (can speak a few sentences/reading/writing [still learning]), Spanish (can speak a few sentences), Hebrew (only know a few words)
    Skills: Dance, draw, write, play piano (not the best), play guitar, sing, ride and train horses

    Hi! My name is Michaela. I am 20 years old. And I am from Idaho. I’ve been a huge fan of Superman ever since I was little. My favorite actor to play him was and still is Christopher Reeve. When I found out they created Supergirl into a tv show, I got really excited. I became a huge fan of the Arrowverse. I have only acted in skits, whether it was for church camp, 4-H, etc. I have been in dance recitals. I’ve also been in 4-H for 10 years showing horses. I’m really good at memorizing, especially numbers. It would be a huge honor to get the opportunity to audition for Supergirl. If I got the chance to audition, I would audition for Lois Lane.

  10. Michaela Bocci

    I have always been a huge fan of Superman. He was and always will be my favorite super hero. And when I found out they made a show about Supergirl, I got so excited! And now to get a chance to audition and possibly be on the show would be a dream come true! I’ve never acted before, but I’ve always wanted to. I believe I would be very good at it. Memorizing comes pretty easy to me, especially numbers. It would be such a huge honor to audition even if I don’t get any role.

  11. CJ Geeves

    Hi, my name is CJ Geeves I am 13 years old I have had some experience I would love to have a chance to be super girl or another role. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I’m around 5’0 foot tall. My birthday is on 23-06-2005, and I love acting, singing and dance. I love performing to anyone and I would like to be part of your crew.

    Kind regards

  12. elodie biancamaria

    hi i’m elodie biancamaria from France,Paris,i learnt english so much,i am 15 years old soon 16 year,i’m born the 10/22/2002.
    i love the show,it’s just amazing!
    i want to become actress i really love the jobs,but in american and it’s complicated to find audition calls.
    I did 1 year of theater and I continue to do.
    i hope i will be chosen.
    thanks,have a great days!

  13. Haley Palmer

    Hi, my name is Haley Palmer. I am 10 years old. I am from Littleton, Colorado. I’ve been watching Supergirl over and over again. I love the show because of all the characters, different aliens, Supergirl’s powers and the action. I have 4 pets. Two dogs and to cats. I have always wanted to be an actress and it would be an honor to to work with the actors of Supergirl.
    Thank you!

  14. Kathryn Adams

    hi, my name is Kathryn Adams. I have long curly brown hair and hazel/brown eyes. I am twelve years old and am in love with all the DC superhero shows and I love the attention of being on stage. I am 5ft 7 1/2. I am not extremely experienced but i love the idea of acting on supergirl! i hope i get chosen!

  15. Robert Gordon

    The cast is awesome family that meshes together I have acting experience with major films and tv shows background work and pa work this industry is one big family that’s why I love it

  16. Arianis Roman

    hello there. my name is arianis (female) and i would like to see if i could get an audition to be in supergirl. im 13, and my height is 5’4″. i was hoping maybe i could play another kryptonian that came late, and soon gets to work along side of kara. im a light hispanic, my hair is a very dark shade of brown, and the tips are dyed a blondish-reddish color (it is fading away). melissa benoist, chris wood, and grant gustin have inspired me to live up to my dream, and i am actually gaining hope that i may succeed. although, i have no experience in being an actress, i will be willing to learn.

  17. Maddy Donar

    My name is Maddy Donar, & I am eighteen years old, (but I look like I’m 12!). I have some ideas for season four/five, like a lot. What if Kara had a little sister? Blood related? I literally have like a whole story/plot in my head about this. I feel like Kara’s sister would be named Kylee & she would be fourteen years old. Kylee would go to Earth with Kara and her mom to learn how to be a human because she’s always wanted to be one. Kylee experiences some heartbreak and lies, but Kara is always there to comfort her.

    Those are just some ideas, and if you actually want Kara to have a little sister, I would like to audition!

    Thank you 🙂

  18. Tehut

    Hi my name is Tehut I am twelve years old but I am about to turn 13 I recently was in the junior musical Annie

  19. Tehut

    Hi my names Tehut I am 12 but I am about to turn 13 I love the show supergirl and hope to get cast in it I recently did the musical Annie in school.

  20. Tehut

    Hi my name is Tehut I am 12 years old I am about to turn 13 on March 7 and I would really like to audition for supergirl season 4

  21. Olivia Abel

    Hello! My name is Olivia Abel and I am 15 years old. I have always wanted to act and be an actress, as I feel this craft is my calling. I would love to be cast on this show because it is one of my all time favorite shows. I love all the actors/actresses on “Supergirl” and hold them with the up most respect. Again, I would love to be in the “Supergirl” cast; it would be a dream come true. Thank you for your time.

  22. Mia Dawson

    Hello, my name is Mia Dawson I would love to be a character on the show I also have some plot ideas for upcoming seasons it would be a great honor to be able to audition for you and I hope that you will keep me in mind for any rule that is available.

  23. Ron Seger

    Hi I’m Ron Seger from Bridgewater CT. I like acting. I’m a big fan of Supergirl. I would love the opportunity to audition for the role of Nia. I’m transgender myself and I can relate to the character.

  24. Gia

    Hi my name is Gia I am born on July-20-2006. I am from Vancouver, British Columbia. I have done a ton of sports soccer for 5 years, Swimming for 4 years, Skating for 3, e.t.c. I am high in academics as well. I love Supergirl and I’m so excited to see season 3. I am a big fan of the show and I would love to be apart of it and acknowledge this opportunity.

  25. Olivia Abel

    Hi, my name is Olivia Abel and I am 15 years old. I am in love with the show “Supergirl” and I would be thrilled to be a part of the cast. Ultimately I would love to be cast as a series regular, but I know a girl can only dream. I have a little acting experience but I love acting very much. I have always wanted to become an actress, and I am finally gaining the courage to start my craft. Thank you so much for your time.

  26. Joseph Halgren

    my name is joseph Halgren and i’m a 13-14 yr old theatre actor that loves CW shows. i am a big fan and will settle even as an extra!

  27. Allison(Alli)

    Hi, I’m Allison and I’m 15. I have blonde/brown hair and blue/Green eyes. I ride horses and train my dogs. I know euphonium and trumpet and always wanted to act next to the actors/actresses from Supergirl. I’m an athlete and love to workout, I’m a well listener and am willing to learn anything that comes in my way. Plus I have heard that Alex and Maggie are looking for a dog in their future, my dog Cooper would possible be an amazing fit for them to have on the show. It would make all of my dreams come true to be on the show!

  28. Gaby

    Hi there
    I’m Gaby Garcia I’m Mexican and I love the show Supergirl. I would hope to get the opportunity to have a role on this TV show. I never really have the opportunity to act in something, but I know I could learn and give my all to give other people the same feelings that this show’s actors and actresses had given me since I start watching it. It’s my dream to be an actress.

  29. Dai Bainbridge

    I’m Dai Bainbridge , 28 from the UK. I’m 6ft 240lbs (Muscular), heavy British accent looking for Roles within the CW Arrow verse

  30. Sirennity

    Hi I’m Sirennity and I would love to be Alex’s adopted daughter. I’m am 15 and have been doing acting for 4 years I would love to be on this show to further my career for the future. I am mixed with black and white, I have brown eyes, black short hair. Please give me a call. I would love to be on the show.

  31. Sirennity

    Hi I’m Sirennity and I would love to be Alex’s adopted daughter. I’m am 15 and have been doing acting for 4 years I would love to be on this show to further my career for the future. I am mixed with black and white, I have brown eyes, black short hair. Please give me a call.

  32. Rachel

    Hi my name is Rachel I’m 13 Hispanic 5,2 have brown eyes black/brown hair and this show is so amazing I mean I love to act and I would like to act in this show because why not act right next to my favorite stars on my favorite show.

  33. Rachel

    Hi my name is Rachel I’m 13 Hispanic 5,2 and this show is so amazing I mean I love to act and I would like to act in this show because why not act right next to my favorite stars on my favorite show.

  34. Cassie Hanberry

    Hi! My name is Cassie Hanberry and I am looking to become the adopted child that Alex Danvers wishes to adopt. I am 16 years old and 5 feet 4 inches tall. I am multi-ethnic (African American, Irish, and Taiwanese) I enjoy acting and would think that having a young actor portray the struggles of teenage times would be very beneficial to the show. I am fully willing to cut or dye my hair if need be and am looking forward to possibly working with you. Please contact me if you need any further information.
    Have a great day! (or night)

  35. Elise Smith

    Hello, I’m Elise Smith. I’ve been a “Superfan” of the show for some time now. I was wondering if you had any kid or teen roles opening up in he near future. I would love, love, LOVE to be apart of your show in any way from an eyes to a main role. I’m 14, I have hazel eyes and brown hair and am around 5’2”. I don’t know how to express in words how ecstatic I would be to even be considered for this show.

  36. Elise Smith

    I’m Elise Smith. I’m 14 and have been in love with this show since day one!! It’s so empowering and leaves me in a state of absolute euphoria every time I’m done watching it. I would kill to be cast as a member as anyone from an extra to Alex’s possible adoptive daughter??? I’m 5’2” with brown hair and hazel eyes. How can I get in on this??

  37. Celesta Reney Wolfington

    hi my name is Celesta Reney Wolfington i’m 15 DOB 2-11-03 i live in Kings Mountain N.C. U.S.A. i’m 5’5 ocean blue eyes and wavy brown hair hair.

  38. Celesta Reney Wolfington

    hi my name is Celesta Reney Wolfington i’m 15 DOB 2-11-03 i live in Kings Mountain N.C. U.S.A.

  39. Marit

    Hi, I’m Marit de Valk from The Netherlands. My birthday is on 01-12-2005. I speak Dutch, English and a tiny bit of French. I love riding horses and playing Keyboard. I know a bit JiuJitsu and did it for about 2 years. I have blue eyes and dark blond hair. i’m 5’6” Tall. I have experience with acting and love to do it.

  40. Tan Liang Ni

    Hi, I am Lianv Ni and I would love to be cast as any character on the show. I fell in love in the show when it first begun on CBS. I love all the actors and actresses alot. I hope I will be chosen!:)

  41. Shariyah Meade

    Hi my name is shariyah i am a trangender female and wold love to have the opportunity to read for the role of nia nal for supergirl season 4

  42. Izzy

    Hi, i would love to be in this show. i only really watched it because i saw Melissa Benoist in it and i really loved her in glee because she reminded me so much of myself.i watched the 1st and 2nd season and then up till episode 13 of season 3. This show had perked me up so much my family saw a big change in the way i was acting. i then started writing a story of a character that would be in supergirl and started acting out my story. That was when i decided i wanted to be an actor to bring happiness to people like they did for me. so i started looking and found this page.

  43. Alyssa Hudgins

    I am a 21 year old transgender woman and I have recently been seeing posts about casting a trans woman for this show. I am highly interested!

  44. Stanley Imokha

    Name: Stanley Imokha
    Age: 27
    Ethnicity: Black
    Nationality: Nigerian
    Height: 6″0
    Weight: 200Ibs athletic

  45. Ryan

    Hi, I would love to come on as an extra?background actor or even more if needed! I love the history of superheroes and Supergirl is definitely in that category! I have a fascination for many of the talented people on the show, but also know how to maintain my composure and not get too excited. I am professional and dependable and versatile in what would be needed from me as an extra. Also, i’m willing to come back as a recurring extra. Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks

  46. Olivia

    Hi. Started watching this show for Jeremy Jordan. (I’m a huge musical theatre person. Performing and watching) Stayed for everyone. I’m almost eighteen and have been doing theatre for a few years, with music being my first love. Superhero shows have always held a special place in my heart ever since I started running around my house with a blanket tied around my neck. I thought it’d be fun to comment.

  47. Danae Jefferson


    My name is Danae Jefferson, and I am 26 years old. I have been in four plays total, but I am looking to branch out and get more experience for my resume. I am a 5’5″, green eyed, curly haired ginger, and I love everything to do with superheroes, especially Supergirl. I have open availability, and I would love to be considered for this opportunity.

    Thank you,


  48. Stephanie MacCarthy

    Hi, my name is Stephanie MacCarthy. I have been acting since the age of 10. In high school I started competing in speech and debate. My cateogory was dramatic interpretation and duo interpretation. My senior year I was honored to be a finalist in the New York State Championship with my duo interpretation partner. Recently I have been in my high schools musical production of Mary Poppins and am looking for serious acting gigs.

  49. Shemaiah

    My name is Shemaiah Walker. I’m 17 years old, 5’9 and 115lbs. I’m a black belt in Isshinryu karate and have studied this form for the last 12 years. I am experienced in weapons and I would love the opportunity to be cast in your upcoming seasons of Supergirl.

  50. Londyn Justice

    Hello my name is Londyn Justice, I am currently 14 years old . I am 5”3 . I am a brown belt in ishinnryu karate. I have studied this style for about 5 years . I am a big fan of the show supergirl, and hope to get casted in an opportunity to work with you all

  51. Tali

    Name: Tali Ly
    Age:12(almost 13)
    Dark brown hair
    Dark brown eyes
    No acting experience
    Around 5’ 2”
    I love Supergirl❤️❤️❤️