K.C. Undercover

K.C. Undercover

Actor, singer, dancer and rising Disney superstar Zendaya is preparing to launch another hilarious half hour sitcom for the Mouse House and casting calls for a number of incredible roles in this sure to be hit are coming up for grabs. K.C. Undercover will be hitting the airwaves soon and the producers and casting directors are on the lookout for several up and coming talents of all ages and experience levels to be a part of Zendaya’s next worldwide hit. Interested performers can apply today for their chance at all upcoming casting calls.

K.C. Undercover will star the fabulous and fabulously popular Zendaya (Shake It Up!, Dancing with the Stars, Make Your Mark: The Ultimate Dance Off – Shake It Up Edition) as K.C. Cooper, a charmingly outspoken and uber-talented 16 year old high schooler with a fascinating secret.

By day K.C. is your normal teenage girl spending time studying and hanging out with her best friends Marisa and Elvis, but on her of hours she wiles away her hours as a world renowned super spy who works for a super secret government agency – talk about an after school job!

This wildly imaginative new Disney comedy series is being brought to televisions everywhere by the writing-directing team of Jonathan A. Rosenbaum (A.N.T. Farm, Mighty Med, Mr. Young) and Corinne Marshall (Suburgatory, Grounded for Life) and will feature a supporting cast that includes the talents of Kadeem Hardison, Tammy Townsend, Veronica Dunne, Kamil McFadden and Ashlee Fuss and there are still many roles yet to be filled now and throughout shooting.

Casting Calls for Disney’s K.C. Undercover will be happening very soon and interested performers of all ages can submit themselves today for consideration by heading here centralcasting.com and for more production details. We will be posting more casting information as soon as it is released so be sure to check back for more updates and leave a message below and tell us what you think of this new series and why you want to audition to work alongside Zendaya in K.C. Undercover.

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1 Casting Responses

  1. Naki'a.D.Ford

    Hi I’m Naki’a.D.Ford I really wanna be on K.C Undercover to be honest I’ve never acted for any thing but school but I really wanna give it a try.PS:Zendaya’s if your reading this ur my Idoel and I really wanna work with u

  2. stinah

    I would love to be on the show kc undercover because I am talented I am very good at acting and I love the show and also Zendaya is my role model and am your biggest fan

  3. Toluwalope stinah

    I would love to be on the show kc undercover because I am talented I am very good at acting and I love the show and also Zendaya is my role model and am your biggest fan

  4. Carman williams

    I would love to be on KC undercover because I’m very talented and smart I can sing dance and be a good actor on kc undercover .My name is Carman Alexis Williams

  5. Keessy

    I love acting and a big fan of the show just wanna know what is the age limit to get on Disney

  6. Howard Cooper

    I should be on kc undercover because i have many talents. Kc undercover is my favorite tv show. Also I like to sing, dance, act, draw, play piano, and design outfits.

  7. Jerry

    I went to be on kc under cover please Call me

  8. Cha


  9. Talevikin

    I would love to audition for a chance to star in a role in kc undercover

  10. Maekayla

    I love Zendaya but i also really like to act

    Please let me audition

  11. Mariah

    Hi!! Zendaya I wanna play as a new little girl that will be in all your shows that has judy!!! She has that attitude like me and the reason why I said I wanna be in all your shows because judy is in it and I like to joke about ernie! I laughed when you had said on tightrope of doom, you had said: You know I feel so happy that we’ve found ernies family! I was died laughing and I was sooooo pretty when you was on the tightrope when I had that golden outfit and the cute black makeup I love it and I please need u to accept me pleaseeee, I never been on a show in my whole life… Well I was gonna be on disney and Nickelodeon but my grandma didnt wanna watch my dumb brothers…. But anyways, please call ne and let me know if I can do it! Thank You! *3*

  12. Hannah Paul

    Hannah P
    Eyes: Brown
    Race: Asian Indian
    Hair: black
    Graduated Indian dance–

  13. Zoey McKenzie

    Hi, My name is Zoey. I am 14 years old and LOVE everything Disney! I’m a huge fan of the Disney shows and actors and have always wanted to be a part of the Disney family. I have never acted professionally before, but I do write my own short stories and songs. I can sing; I’ve was a member of my middle school’s Advance Chorus for two years straight. I was also in band in my sixth grade year of middle school. I played the trumpet. I love music and am learning to play guitar. I am a rising 9th grader and am excited and nervous at the same time. I always put forth 100% effort when doing something and this opportunity (if chosen) would be no different. I have a dog named Beauty and she is my best friend. We do everything together. We live with my mom and I think she’s the best mom ever! She always tells me I can do ‘it’ and has my back no matter what. She is a single mother and I just, one day, would like to repay her half of what she’s given to me.
    I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks for your time! Have a wonderful day.

  14. Antonio Edwards

    My name is Antonio Edwards and I was born on December 2, 2016. I love to rap, sing, and dance too.and I am eleven years old.

  15. Antonio Edwards

    I will like to be on K.C Undercover because that is my favorite show.
    I love to rap, sing, and dance too and I want to meet Zendaya because I never met her before.

  16. Norsyah

    And I am 10 years old sorry forgot.

  17. Norsyah

    Hi my name is Norsyah buckley. Zendaya inspired me cause she was on shake it up in 2011. And I all was pretend I met her I have dreams about being on K.C undercover. And if you guys call me and other kids that have amazing talents and say “(You have the part) I would feel like ?????☺and omg. Thank you.

  18. naomi wright

    My name is Naomi Wright, I would love to be featured on this show; I’ve loved and watched Disney Channel since I was a toddler. I would be extremely honored if you reviewed my submission. And I love this show!
    Hair: Shoulder length
    Hair color: Dark brown
    Eye color: Dark brown
    Sex: Female
    Ethnicity: African American( With Carribean and Cuban Background)
    Body type: Slim; Petite
    Residents: Florida
    Ive always wanted to perform acting in show/movies, I sing, active in sports such as tennis and track& field, I love comedy and am very social I would be extremely grateful to be considered for such a wonderful show or any other roles that you have available. I would be extremely grateful for an ensemble/ extra role as well.

  19. Nydreisha

    Ello my name is nydreisha williams, i am 12 years young my birthday is july 26. i live in st.petersburg florida currently attend azalea middle school 5’5 african America with dark beautiful brown eyes im in 8th grade i take direction well learn fast i offer a positive can do attitude i am a really outgoing young woman i believe i should be picked out of possibly thousands of young girls because im not doing it for the fame and glory i just really really love acting it gives me a chance to escape reality and i love that feeling thank you for considering me.

  20. T'Hara

    Hi! I’m T’Hara Morgan. I’m 11. I always wanted to be an actress and a spy since I was 3. People say to my mother with me she will never need a TV. I was born in Brooklyn,NY but I kinda live in Jamaica a n island in the Caribbean, so you can say I live between countries. My best friend Chri-Shann is a dancer. Zendaya is our idol. Everyone thought I am weird bit in a special way .Chri-Shann told me no matter what I’ll be there for you through thick and thin. I’m really hoping to be one of the winners.But if not I will really appreciate an autograph from Zendaya for my best friend’s birthday.
    #HOPESO 😉

  21. Zykiria

    I would love to audition for k.c. Undercover because it is a great job for me.I am 12 years old ,I am an a” student in the 6th grade and I will surly get along with zendaya also I live in south Carolina so I don’t know if it might be too far away!

  22. Janyla

    I love you you are nice and pretty

  23. Zierrah

    Hi, I am a 13 year old girl turning 14 on the 27th of August of this year and I would love to work alongside Zendaya. Ever since i got signed by an agency ~ Nine9 the unagency ~ I felt like i needed to do this for the rest of my life. But I couldn’t continue because we could not afford the price every month. People have even told me I look like Zendaya many times. I play Viola I have been for 4 years now and i can read treble clef and alto clef and I do have experience in acting through school plays. I live in Midland Michigan a small city and all i want to do is be on that show. I also want to dance but i want acting a little bit more. I love to sing but sometimes i need a little more time to warm up my voice. I have some experience in tumbling in gymnastics my skills are limited. I have preformed on stages many times.I have been watching Disney Channel since i was 4. I believe I need to do this for my whole life. I am going in the 9th grade and I hope i get picked because you will be helping me finish my dream.

    My hair is shoulder length and is afro like.
    I am Biracial mixed with african american and caucasian.
    My hieght is around 5’7.
    I am a very shy girl but when i get used to people i am very outgoing and i can be weird sometimes and i can be very funny.
    I hope i get picked to be added to the show it’s my dream.
    Thanks for reading and I hope you at least consider me

  24. Ahlana coleman

    Hello my name is Ahlana Coleman and I’m interested in your TV show….. please contact me my Email address … if you do Emial me I will be able to send you a picture and flowing information

  25. Tandra Betts

    I ‘m. A fan of. Zendaya. Name mya call me

  26. Tianna

    Hi I am a 11 year-old girl, and I am a citizen of New Jersey, and I have always wanted to meet Zendaya and be on Disney Channel. I love to sing ,dance, and share my fashion ideas on my blog Your cast are full of people that I would never get tired of watching! Acting is something I would love to experience in life and this would be a big opportunity for me. My friend Zuri says all the time go for it even if you don’t win or make it, I believe in you Tianna. I wanted to start small like be in a play and move forward, but I am taking a big step ahead of the game. I really hope to get picked!

  27. Jamila Taffe

    Hi, my name is jamila. i’m from jamaica but i recently migrated to the U.S. i’d really like to be an actress, to go behind the scenes and meet new people and find out the amazing world of performing/acting for others’ entertainment. please it would be an honor if you made my dreams become a reality.

  28. Esme Howard

    Hi my name is Esme Howard I am 14 years old from England i have watched most Disney Channel Series since the age of 7. I have always wanted to be an actress and that will always remain my dream. I am not the type of person who will go crazy over celebrities unless it is the harry potter cast or twilight I am quite smart so I have the chance to pursue acting. If anyone is reading this i would love to show you my talent however i can’t travel to far from home as I am the eldest of 5 I moved to the north east in when i was 9 years old so i don’t really have an accent. If you are interested in my my email is I can sing act and i don’t look ugly i think. I am not small I am 5.5 foot please consider letting me do an audition by emailing me i would love to do any type of film but I don’t swear and don’t plan too.I have dark blond straight blond hair and blue eyes.
    Hope you will get in contact.

  29. Esme Howard

    Hi my name is Esme Howard I am 14 years old from England i have watched most Disney Channel Series since the age of 7. I have always wanted to be an actress and that will always remain my dream. I am not the type of person who will go crazy over celebrities unless it is the harry potter cast or twilight I am quite smart so I have the chance to pursue acting. If anyone is reading this i would love to show you my talent however i can’t travel to far from home as I am the eldest of 5 I moved to the north east in when i was 9 years old so i don’t really have an accent. If you are interested in my my email is I can sing act and i don’t look ugly i think. I am not small I am 5.5 foot please consider letting me do an audition by emailing me i would love to do any type of film but I don’t swear and don’t plan too.
    Hope you will get in contact.

  30. Ava

    Hi i am ava fitoussy, french model
    I love k.c
    I live in carebean
    Hair:brown and straight
    Eyes : brown
    1meter 57 tall
    36 kg
    Language : french and a little english but I understand

  31. Jalia Larry

    want to be on kc undercover I was supposed to be on Jessie

  32. Armani Johnson and Carli Catherine

    HI , Me and my friend Carli love you Zendaya. We are in 5th grade. And we are cheerleaders for Sixth Grade. And we are the best team ever.

  33. Armani Johnson and Carli Catherine

    Me and my friend Carli love K.C undercover . Also we love begin together as friend , and if we make it then that should be awesome. But if we do make it then can we be cheerleaders on the show because in real life we are cheerleaders for Marietta Sixth Grade Academy. Just so you know I Armani is 10 years old and Carli is 10 years old. WE LOVE YOU TRINITY AND ZENDAYA

  34. ashia byrd

    Hey ny name is ashia and i wanna dance but yeah this really means alot to me

  35. papa

    hi i am papa marfo and my height is 5’7 and i play guitar not much but i play also i love to act and i do drama and sign sometimes also i would love to be on Disney channel i will do anything it takes to be on there read this message to make my dream come true

  36. Tianna Powell

    Hey!!!!My name is Tianna Powell.Currently 14 years of age and I am a citizen of Jamaica.At first I was extremely shy!!My faviourite show in which u have played a role is kc undercover.I would like to be apart of those seens because to get popular with your occupation.Hope at some point u will choose me of so i am a great actress love to dance and very determine to my work of sucess.

  37. Breunna Dyson

    HI my name is Breunna Dyson and acting is basically my life. I live in Louisiana. I love acting.I started in drama in the third grade.I enjoy watching t.v. and acting the t.v shows out for some reason.I love watching K.C Undercover. It always been my dream to become an actor some day.I am very strong willed, courageous, and funny. I am a female with brown hair and brown eyes. I am talkative and outgoing. I love speaking in front of lots of people(especially entertaining them).I have good grades, I’VE been a young spokes person for many occasions, and I’m also in the Nationals Americas Miss pageant.Many people all over my neighborhood has noticed my good acting and talent. I hope you do to.Thank you and I hope to here from you all soon!!

  38. Isha Bhukya

    Hi Zendaya,
    I love u so much I have even wrote a book about you I would really love to be a part of this and I hope to see u soon : )…

    Love u

  39. Cailah

    I love to act sing dance because i have fun with it. Im ten,im a female , and i love singing so please chose me.?????

  40. Cailah

    Hi I’m cailah miller I’m 10 years old and i would like to try out for a roll because was in a play and i sang in a concert. Singing and acting is my life. My brother and i love to rock out together. So please can you chose me.

    Thank you


  41. Sierra Gulli

    Hi, I’m Sierra Gulli, I have brown, long hair with a little ombre of gold. I am 5’3″ and weigh 102 lbs. I’ve grown up with Disney, and especially Shake It Up! I love Zendaya, and I think it’d be an honor to work alongside her, even if its just being an extra! I’ve had little parts here and there in movies and shows such as Spy Kids. Thank you for taking the time to read this 🙂

  42. Abryanna

    I love KC undercover and since I was younger many of my friends would call me the little zendaya because I kinda look like her . I used to be really shy and then I met a friend who was equally as shy and over the years we have both came out of our shells . She is more like a sister to me , after meeting her we found out we could sing pretty well and I we do it all the time . I love to act and I am very proficient in reading and writing . Drawings and sketching clothes are also things I like to do with my free time along with the violin. I enjoy things like
    Modeling and challenges and I would love to show what I could do by staring on the show .
    I am mixed and have naturally curly hair. I am also 14 soon to be 15 this summer and have a height of 5″3.

  43. Brandon Robinson

    Hi , My name is Brandon . I would love to be on your show because I’ve been watching it since i was 2 years old.

  44. Essence Vann

    I love acting…at my school I was very shy,then I started doing performing arts with my friends and the shyness wasn’t there anymore. I hope they will choose me to be a star..to show the haters that I did achieve what I wanted to achieve.

  45. Polly

    Hi!! My name is Polly and I would like to sign up for a role. I am 10 years old. I have never acted in other movies or theater but I’m really confident acting in front of anyone. I love to act, sing, and dance. I hope you accept me!??
    Thanks so much!!

  46. Annabelle Pollack

    OMG!!!!!! HI my name is Annabelle and I live in Singapore and I cant belive they have an audition for this. I love this show soooo much~ the exitment in every scene makes my body have chills! I am 12 years old and love disney. I will work sooo hard to be on this show, I really want to be on this show because I know Im a little old to start acting, but having this apportunity for me will be soo great for me. I am a dancer, plays ice hockey, and a gymnast. I would love to take part this show! Once again love this show!! And hope you guys get to pick me, because it would be like a dream come true for me.

    I am about 5’3 and weigh about 80 pounds.
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Brown
    Gender: Female

  47. mekhi

    cant wait to get a answer

  48. kadeja copeland

    I love K.C undercover, she is wonderful. I always wanted to be a spy. And i want to be on t.v and i am a great actress.

  49. Ariel Feldman

    Hello, my name is Ariel Feldman. I would love to be a part of this wonderful show! It has always been my dream to be an actress on Disney Channel! I would be extremely honored if you took the time to review this! And I absolutely love this show!!!!
    age: 15
    Height: 5’3
    Weight: 107lbs
    Hair: Medium length
    Natural hair color: brown (willing to dye hair any color)
    Eye color: green
    State: Florida
    Gender: female
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
    Body type: petite
    I am extremely dedicated to theatre and I typically do 8 productions a year. I am in love with it and it has always been my dream to be an actress. I will give it everything I have in me and I would be extremely grateful to even be considered for such a wonderful show or any other roles that you have available. I would even be extremely grateful for an ensemble/ extra role.
    I have short film experience and theatre, acting, singing, dancing and technical experience. I also have acted in a show that has been on the Broward Center for the performing arts stage.

  50. Amari Mays

    Hi I’m Amari Mays. Please try to get because I love acting! I’m also funny.

  51. Mekhi

    Zendaya i want a chance to be a star like you. I also want to show my sister and brother anything is possible

  52. Caliya Franklin


    My name is Caliya, and I’m about to be 9yrs old in May of this year. I watch Disney channel everyday. I always act out scene from my favorite shows like K.C Undercover, Bunk’d, Liv and Maddie, and Girl Meets World. I would love to be on one of these shows to show what I can do.

    Thank You,

    Caliya Franklin

  53. Amber King

    Hi i’m Amber

    Eyes- Brown

    Hair- Black

    Gender- Female

    Skin- African American

  54. jahavenice harris

    i wnat to be on k.c. under cover beacause i love to act and i love watching the show

  55. Zahra (1z)

    Height: 5’9 – 5’10
    Weight: 120
    Experience: Mosque plays, religious palys, FLL skits, writing skits….
    Eyes: Dark brown
    Skin:mixed but on the lighter side
    I’m muslim and I wear a hijab, and what you would people call tomboys. But please don’t stop here. I want to be in this show beacue 3 things I personally believe
    1) I think it will create a larger audience because as you probably already know there are no other hijabi actors, that means that all the hijabis in America have no role model. II know there are a lot of hijabis outthere, if you can get there attention then…
    2) I want to send a message to everyone. No matter how you look, if there is a will there is a way. I love acting, I make a lot of my friends laugh. If this is really the land of the free and the home of the brave then I will try my very best to get a role.
    3) I also think that someone absolutely new like me coming in will bring a compeletly new story.

    Zendaya if your really reading this or anyone that actually cares,i thank you for your time.

    Yours truly,
    Someone that will make a difference in 5 years?????

  56. Tameka Hilliard

    Hi I wanna be apart of kc under cover

  57. Howie Vu

    Hi my name is Howie!!!

    location: Morgan City Louisiana
    age: 23
    height: 5’7
    Ethnicity: Vietnamese
    Body type: skinny but active

    I would love to play in this movie or be apart of it. It seems like it would be fun to experience or be in a live movie set. Thank you!!! Hope to here from y’all.

  58. Victoria Lopez

    Hi my name is Victoria im 8yrs old n i have been waiting for an opportunity to show my acting, singing and dancing skills. Please give me an opportunity you won’t regret it!!